Faculty of Business Administration

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MAN200FC(経営学 / Management 200)
Entrepreneurship I


Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Faculty of Business Administration
Attached documents
Year 2024
Class code A4415
Previous Class code
Previous Class title
Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 月1/Mon.1
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name 市G‐G501
Grade 2~4(経営戦略学科)
Credit(s) 2
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Admission year
Category (2019~) 経営戦略学科専門科目200番台
Category (~2018) 経営戦略学科専門科目

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Outline (in English)

In this lecture, we will learn about the business creation process of a company in the early stages of its founding, and the managements and organizational behaviors to overcome maturity. Especially, we will deepen our understanding of the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises or venture companies as the main actors of change through some case studies based on the theory of business organization and strategy.

This lecture has the two main goal ; 1) to learn start-up and business creation; 2) to learn about SME management. In the process of responding to globalisation and rapid changes in technology and market needs, there are small and medium-sized enterprises that contribute to the revitalisation of the economy by building new business models.

Lectures will be delivered on demand on Youtube recordings. The PDF version of each session will be posted on the website by the day before the lecture.

As your homework you will be asked to submit an assignment report once every three times, so review what you have learned in class, and in the assignment, search for cases that are different from the lecture.

Regular exam at the end of the term: out of 70 points ( invalid if less than 40 points)
Reports: 30% (takes 0 times, only 1 time are invalid)
The reports will be given 3 times and will be instructed in the lecture.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese