Faculty of Economics

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LANd100CA(ドイツ語 / German language education 100)
Elementary German Communication A


Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Faculty of Economics
Attached documents
Year 2024
Class code K5565
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Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 月3/Mon.3
Class Type
Campus 多摩
Classroom name 217
Grade 1
Credit(s) 2
Notes 初回の授業に出席し担当教員の指示を受ける。
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
カテゴリー(2015年度以前入学生) 総合教育科目

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Outline (in English)

【Course outline】 This is a German course for beginners who are learning German for the first time. Participants will be familiarized with the language by native speakers, learn correct German pronunciation and acquire basic grammar, vocabulary and expressions. Where necessary, the cultural and historical background of German expressions is also understood.
【Learning Objectives】 To be able to pronounce German correctly, to be able to understand what others say and actually speak German in certain everyday situations in elementary conversation, and to be able to respect the values of people from different cultural and historical backgrounds by learning German.
【Learning activities outside the classroom】 Students will learn the pronunciation and meaning of important vocabulary used in each topic. Homework will be assigned as a review to check and consolidate the class content. Estimated preparation and review time is approximately 2 hours each.
【Grading Criteria】 At the end of the term, there will be a written and oral exam. Quizzes will be given in class as necessary.
Grading will be based on the degree of completion of homework and in-class assignments (20%), in-class written test (50%), and oral exam (30%), with a passing grade of 60% or higher.
If the number of absences without justifiable reason exceeds 30% of the total number of absences, the student will be excluded from the grading.

Default language used in class

その他言語 / Other