Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences

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COT500K1(計算基盤 / Computing technologies 500)
Web System Development


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Faculty/Graduate school Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences
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Year 2024
Class code TZ013
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Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 火3/Tue.3
Class Type
Campus 小金井
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Credit(s) 2
Class taught by instructors with practical experience

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Outline and objectives

The attainment target is to acquire the practical skills of web and database system development according to the concept of BDD (Behavior Driven Development). Design reviews and code walk-throughs are frequently held to improve student skills of building a target system. The language is Ruby, and the platform is Rails.


The goal is to be able to build web applications, using Ruby on Rails platform. As a graduate student, we discuss various topics related to Web-based computation.

Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?

Among diploma policies, "DP1" and "DP2" are related.

Default language used in class

英語 / English

Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )

This course is practical training. Using Ruby on Rails platform, experience so-called RAD (rapid application development). In this course, we break up the system into independent parts, unravel relationships between parts, trace the links, and acquire knowledge about the structures of the web application.
Debates would be held on the student's presentation on own system's design and installation, so that the student could improve the practical skills.

Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)

あり / Yes

Fieldwork in class

なし / No


授業形態/methods of teaching:対面/face to face


Week 1[対面/face to face]:Introduction

Install Ruby on Rails environment.Generate first simple project, and run the application.Learn rails operation.

Week 2[対面/face to face]:Project Generation
Scaffolding and Internationalization

Learn platform structure by reading directory tree. Then introduce I18n(Internationalization) to make multilingual web page.

Week 3[対面/face to face]:MVC Model, HTML and CSS

Dissolve the project structure into three components; Model, View, and Controller. Read routing file(routes.rb) to trace the request handling logical path.

Week 4[対面/face to face]:Version Management using Git

Learn Version Management using Git. Learn Concept, operation of Git. Git operation exercise.

Week 5[対面/face to face]:User Authentication
Screen Layout (ERB/SASS)

Introduce authentication gem - "devise" for Ruby on Rails. Understand customized user definition and the authenticated user. Split screen by editing view parts and CSS files.

Week 6[対面/face to face]:Behavior Driven Development

Introduce RSpec to support BDD. Learn to write program specifications before writing program code.

Week 7[対面/face to face]:DOM and jQuery

Introduce javascript.
Learn to arrange the screen view dynamically on the client side.

Week 8[対面/face to face]:Channel and Connection

Introduce Connection.
Use Channels to broadcast the web data to all signed-in users.

Week 9[対面/face to face]:Project Design - Mini Twitter Site -

Design the original web site. Lecture material is the mini twitter site. Plan on the system screen and functions. Introduce user management.

Week 10[対面/face to face]:Image Handling

Register users 'face' image. Upload photos for each tweets. Save binary (image) data to the database.

Week 11[対面/face to face]:Design of the controller

Design data processing Controller and Views which are independent from model classes. Handles "Follow/Followed" information for the twitter system.

Week 12[対面/face to face]:SQL and Database Query

Learn how to extract data from database, based on search condition, how to toss the extracted data to the screen, and how to check raw SQL sentences.

Week 13[対面/face to face]:Finishing Project

Finish developing My mini-twitter web application system.

Week 14[対面/face to face]:Presentation and Discussion

Present your own web system to the class, then discuss on the design of the system.

Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)

The first step is to operate and generate the samples as instructed, and literally create a replica. Next, the second step is to appeal your originality. You need to spend your time in this second phase trial. Standard study time outside of class for preparation and review: 4 hours.


There are lecture materials on the course web site of Hosei University course management system.


A variety of web pages on 'Ruby on Rails' programming are provided by many programmers.These practical pages are useful as learning materials, also.

Grading criteria

Students are expected to make several presentations on the topics given during the lectures. Those presentations are evaluated(30%). Also the evaluation of the final presentation of own web application will be added(40%). Final program codes will be evaluated(30%).

Changes following student comments

The reports on web application design was very easy for graduate students. Therefore, the grade evaluation criteria of the course focuses on the discussion and presentation about computer topics and design.

Equipment student needs to prepare

Your own personal computer should be the main course computer system.


The teacher had been running a company and experienced in embedded systems in medical equipments, factory production control systems, web learning system on national examination of clinical engineering and such for 35 years. Especially the latest web server technology and IoT (Internet of Things) related system will be emphasized in the course.