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ARSa300LA(地域研究(ヨーロッパ) / Area studies(Europe) 300)
Liberal Arts Seminar I
ポピュリズムと世界 ~Go Globalに疲れたあなたへ~

Kazuya ONAKA

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school ILAC Course
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Year 2022
Class code Q6605
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Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 木4/Thu.4
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Grade 法文営国環キ2~4年
Credit(s) 2
Notes ※定員制(30名)
Open Courses
Open Courses (Notes)
Global Open Courses
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Category (2018~) 2017年度以降入学者
300番台 総合科目
Category (2017)

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Outline (in English)

Populism, which includes opposition to globalization as one of its main components, is shaking the political foundations of countries around the world. In this spring semester course, Liberal Arts Seminar I, "Populism and the World: For Those Who Are Tired of Go Global," we will focus on xenophobia, the backlash against so-called identity politics, and the support for populism by the cultural "majority" voters. The class will be built around the students' opinions and questions concerning a central issue : "What kind of culture do we want in our society of the 21st century ?"

[Learning Objectives]
It is not a goal of this seminar to acquire proficiency in English, Japanese, or any other language.
By the end of the course, students should be able to do the followings :
1) taking the first step to acquire a notion of what kind of democratic culture is suitable for our society of the 21st century.
2) possessing a basic insight on the various ways in which the concept of populism has been used in different countries and at different periods.
3) understanding how to relate contemporary social issues to current cultural topics in which students are highly interested.
4) expressing thoughts and feelings appropriately through presentations using Google Slides, Google Docs, and Zoom screen sharing.

[Learning activities outside of classroom]
(a) Read the pages of the textbook listed in the "Schedule" in advance.
(b) Post the material for the topic (including links, etc.) in the designated LMS (Google Classroom) location in time before the course begins.
(c) The time required for preparation and revision for this seminor will be the time required to do (a) and (b) above. A diverse group of students with varying levels of proficiency in Japanese and other languages will participate in this seminar. Therefore, a uniform length of time is not specified. However, according to the Standards for the Establishment of Universities, the preparation and review time for each two-credit lecture and seminar should be at least four hours.

[Grading Criteria]
Your final grade in this seminar will be decided on the following:
1. Presentations by students (3 points per topic) - 55%
2. Active participation in class (comments and questions during class debates) - 30%.
3. Other contributions to class management - 15%.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese

'25-02-06 22:09:47