Business School of Innovation Management

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MAN520F2(経営学 / Management 500)
Retail Management


Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Business School of Innovation Management
Attached documents
Year 2022
Class code W0205
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Term 春学期前半/Spring(1st half)
Day/Period 水3/Wed.3,水4/Wed.4
Class Type 専門講義
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Grade 1・2
Credit(s) 2
Notes 経営管理修士科目、MBA特別必修
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Category 専門科目

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Outline (in English)

Retail management learns how to innovate the latest management practices and distribution operations required for the current retail industry, based on traditional commercial and business approaches. Looking at situations where the business environment surrounding distribution is undergoing drastic changes, we analyze the field from the customer's point of view, and intend to solve problems from the standpoint of supporters and practitioners.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese