School of Correspondence Education (Schooling)

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CUM200TD(文化財科学・博物館学 / Cultural assets study and museology 200)
Study on Historical Materials (1)

Takaharu SUZUKI, Daisuke YAMASHITA

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school School of Correspondence Education (Schooling)
Attached documents
Year 2022
Class code 25005
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Class Type
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Credit(s) 2
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Category 秋期
Period 秋期
Presence or Absence of Preliminary Registration
Eligible Courses / Grade 『法政通信』受講手続き等関連頁を参照

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Outline (in English)

【Course outline】
In the classes, reading comprehension and explanation of various forms of materials, such as textual materials, are mainly provided in the possession of the National Archives of Japan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Through classes, I aim to learn how to find and read historical materials in modern Japanese history, explore historical materials related to my research topic, and acquire the ability to understand and utilize the contents.

【Learning Objectives】
Relating to one's own research themes necessary for the study of modern Japanese history
It aims to acquire basic abilities to search and understand historical materials.

【Learning activities outside of classroom】
The text of this course will be distributed in advance, so please check the contents and add up the meaning of the words.
Be sure to check the parts that are not included.preparatory learning and review of this course
The standard time is two hours each.

【Grading Criteria /Policy】
The evaluation will be conducted in the last session of the course, and the study status and participation of the course
Perform at a normal point for evaluating degrees.(60% report, 40% normal point)
In addition, if you move to online format, you can confirm your attendance on Zoom.
Be careful as it is done every time using the function.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese

'25-02-06 23:02:09