SCOPE (Sustainability Co-Creation Programme)

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SOC300HA(社会学 / Sociology 300)
Social Development and Sustainability 2

Chuanfei WANG

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school SCOPE (Sustainability Co-Creation Programme)
Attached documents
Year 2023
Class code C3509
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Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 木5/Thu.5
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷 / Ichigaya
Classroom name 市BT‐0506
Grade 1~4
Credit(s) 2
Open Courses
Open Courses (Notes)
Global Open Courses
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Category (~2023) 展開科目/Disciplinary & Elective Courses
日本社会とサステイナビリティ/Japan & Sustainability

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Outline and objectives

This course explores social issues with sociological approaches. It introduces students to some major social theories and concepts in sociology. Topics include a review of sociology as a discipline, culture, socialization, social interaction, education, social stratification, networks, work, economic life, body and health, urbanization, population, environment, and globalization. It is a theory-oriented course. However, it addresses empirical questions such as (1) What is society? (2) How is society organized and structured? (3) Who are individuals and their roles in society? (4) How do individuals and society affect each other? and (5) What does sustainability mean to our contemporary and future human society? The goal of this course is to provide students with conceptual tools for understanding society, thereby some inspirations of how individuals can live a happy and meaning life and contribute to a sustainable world.


By emphasizing reading, discussing, and critical thinking skills, this course helps students build the foundation for a deeper understanding of theory and methods in the social sciences. Upon completion of this course, students will be empowered an eye to consider what happens in daily life with evidence-based reasoning. This course is designed to inspire students to think with their own talents, interests, and passion. Students have plenty of time expressing their own opinions and exchanging ideas with peers and instructor in each class.

Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?

Among diploma policies, "DP3" is related

Default language used in class

英語 / English

Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )

This is a lecture-and-discussion-based course. Instructor will lead each class session by giving a lecture on the topic of the day. Students are required to join several rounds of group discussions in class.

These are very basic. Students are always encouraged to think beyond the box, be creative, and be their own leader of their learning experience!

Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)

あり / Yes

Fieldwork in class

なし / No


授業形態/methods of teaching:対面/face to face


Week 1[対面/face to face]:Course Orientation and Lecture

Orientation: Welcome students! Review Syllabus.

Lecture: What is sociology? I

Week 2[対面/face to face]:What is sociology? II

Learn what sociology covers as a field and how everyday topics are shaped by social and historical forces.

Recognize that sociology involves not only acquiring knowledge but also developing a sociological imagination.

Week 3[対面/face to face]:Asking and answering sociological questions.

Learn the steps of the research process.

Name the different types of questions sociologists address in their research—factual, theoretical, comparative, and developmental.

Week 4[対面/face to face]:Culture and Society

Learn about the “cultural turn” and sociological perspectives on culture.

Understand the processes that changed societies over time.

Week 5[対面/face to face]:Socialization and the Life Course

Understand how the four main agents of socialization contribute to social reproduction.

Learn the stages of the life course, and see the similarities and differences among cultures.

Week 6[対面/face to face]:Social Interaction and Everyday Life in the Age of the Internet

Understand the core concepts of the “impression management” perspective.

Recognize how we use impression management techniques in everyday life.

Week 7[対面/face to face]:Groups Networks and Organizations

Learn the variety and characteristics of groups, as well as the effect groups have on individual behavior.
Know how to define an organization and understand how organizations developed over the last two centuries.

Week 8[対面/face to face]:Stratification, Class and Inequality

Learn about social stratification and the importance of social background in an individual’s chances for material success.

Know the most influential theories of stratification, including those of Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Erik Olin Wright.

Week 9[対面/face to face]:Work and Economic Life

Understand that modern economies are based on the division of labor and economic interdependence.

Consider the different forms that capitalism has taken, and understand on a shift in the predominant form of industrial organization in modern society has shaped the kinds of jobs people are likely to find.

Week 10[対面/face to face]:Education

Learn sociologists’ explanations for achievement gaps among different groups of students.

Learn four major sociological perspectives on the role of schooling in society.

Week 11[対面/face to face]:The Sociology of Body

Understand how social, cultural, and historical contexts shape attitudes toward health, illness, and sexuality.

Two theories of understanding health and illness, and historical approaches to sexuality

Week 12[対面/face to face]:Population, Urbanization and Environment

Learn the key concepts demographers use to understand world population growth (and Japanese depopulation) and the changes in cities.

Some Influential Theories
Understand how theories of urbanism have placed an increasing emphasis on the influence of socioeconomic factors on city life.

Week 13[対面/face to face]:Globalization in a changing world

Recognize that numerous factors influence social change, including the physical environment, political organization, culture, and economic factors.

Understand the debates among skeptics, hyperglobalizers, and transformationalists over whether globalization differs radically from anything in human history.

Week 14[対面/face to face]:Course conclusion and reflection

Students do research presentation and peer review with selected topics covered in this course.

Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)

Students will spend 4-5 hours on class related work including read textbook before class as well as review textbook and complete study log after class each week.


Deborah Carr, Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, Richard P. Appelbaum. (2018).
Introduction to Sociology. Seagull Eleventh Edition. W. W. Norton & Company.



Grading criteria

Students will complete the following assignments to earn credits.

1. In-class discussions except for weeks 1 and 14 (1 x12 times) 12%
2. Study logs (6 x 12 pieces) 72%
3. In-class research presentation 16%

Changes following student comments

Feedback is not available due to the change in instructor.