Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Tama)

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Extra-curricular Activities

桐島 次郎

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Faculty/Graduate school Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Tama)
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Year 2024
Class code L3118
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Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 木5/Thu.5
Class Type
Campus 多摩
Classroom name 社102
Grade 2~4
Credit(s) 2
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Category 教職関係科目

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Outline (in English)

This course introduces extra-curricular activities at school. In the field of extra-curricular activities, there are home room activities, student council activities, school events, etc. This course explains how the teacher guides students in these activities, and how to cooperate with students’ families and related organizations in the regional community. In this lesson, discussions, group work and other active learning methods will be carried out.Extra-curricular activities are carried out in various groups, to discover and solve problems, and to build a better group and school life. The aim of this class is to understand the significance of extra-curricular activities in school education, and to acquire the knowledge and background necessary for guiding such activities. For that purpose students have to learn the perspectives of "human relations" "social participation" and "self-realization" in pupils’ developmental process, and also the perspective of "school staff as a team" in teachers’ systematic and collaborative guidance process. Before/after each class meeting, students will be expected to spend four hours to understand the course content.Your overall grade in the class will be decided based on the following
Short reports:60%、Term-end report:40%

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese