School of Correspondence Education (Correspondence Learning)

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MAN300TF(経営学 / Management 300)
Financial Accounting I

教科担当責任者 / Instructor in charge of class:Kenji KAWASHIMA

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school School of Correspondence Education (Correspondence Learning)
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Year 2024
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Instructor name 川島 健司
Class Type 通信学習(リポート・試験)
Grade 3~4
Credit(s) 2
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Category 経済学部 経済学科 専門教育科目

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Outline (in English)

The purpose of this class is (1) to learn basic concepts in bookkeeping skills and financial accounting practices, and to consider how to express economic activities in financial statements using those skills and concepts, and (2) consider the usefulness of financial accounting information while inferring the actual state of corporate activities using financial statement analysis techniques and concepts of corporate finance.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese

'25-03-07 11:19:51