Faculty of Enginneering and Design

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ADE100NB(建築学 / Architecture and building engineering 100)
Design Studio 2


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Faculty/Graduate school Faculty of Enginneering and Design
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Year 2023
Class code B2150
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Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 金3/Fri.3,金4/Fri.4
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Notes 建築:建築士
Open Courses
Open Courses (Notes)
Global Open Courses
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Optional/Compulsory 必修
Admission year
Category (2023~) 建築学科
Category (2019~2022) 建築学科
Category 建築

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Outline (in English)

In this course students will learn how to create models and drawings from planned designs for use in presentations in order to further their communication communication skills.

[Learning Objectives]
Students will learn how to create models and drawings from planned designs for use in presentations in order to further their communication skills.
Cultivate the ability to analyze and think about space.
Cultivate the ability to rethink everyday life and social activities.
To understand the characteristics of various structures.
Acquire skills to design while imagining the scene of action.
To understand the relationship with the surrounding environment and acquire techniques to make the most of the characteristics of the site

To develop "Design Studio 1" in AB.
[Architectural Research] After researching the architectural space and environment of their choice, students will visit the space, experience it, and summarize their findings in a report, thereby developing their ability to analyze and consider the space. (The report will consist of two parts: a preliminary research report and a report on the experience of the space.)
[Watcher: Students will develop the ability to gain a new perspective on everyday life by reexamining the scenery and things they see in the city through a certain theme and expressing it in a single photograph.
[Light Box] Through assignments on the theme of "light," the most basic and important element of architectural space, students will learn how to handle light in a space.
[Design of a 5m cubic space] Design a 5m cubic space. Here, students will think in three dimensions and draw them to understand the relationship between three-dimensional objects and drawings. In addition to understanding the drawings, students will also design their "dream for space" as a form. This is especially important as a step toward Design Studio 3 and 4.

[Learning activities outside of classroom]
 Experiencing a good space is the best way to learn about architecture. It is desirable to develop the habit of actually visiting and experiencing excellent architectural spaces. And observing why a space is excellent is the first step to designing it.
The standard preparation and review time for this class is 4 hours each.

[Grading Criteria /Policy]
Grades will be given for each assignment, and all works will be evaluated.
The students are required to research architectural structures of interest and submit a two-part report: a preliminary research report and a report on their experience in the space.
 Preliminary research report: First, students will analyze the architectural space and its relationship to the surrounding environment based on drawings, photographs, architects' descriptions, etc.
 The report will include a comparison with the analysis conducted in the pre-research and a discussion of the impressions gained from the experience of the space.
What kind of subject will be taken up? How did you read and understand the architect's thoughts and ideas? What considerations did you make based on your experience of the actual space? How did you analyze the architect's ideas and thoughts through the experience of the actual space?
Watcher〉Submit a photograph in line with a theme set each week. Comprehensive evaluation will be made on how the theme is perceived, the expression of the photograph, composition and organization, and the presentation of a new point of view.
(1) "Box of Light": How did the photographer capture and spatialize light by making holes in a single box, selecting materials, and using them in different ways? (2) The student's work on his/her esquisse in class and his/her ability to express himself/herself in the model and drawings. Comprehensive evaluation will be made based on the students' skills in composing presentation panels and other factors.
How did you spatialize your dream? Expression by model. Evaluation will be based on the plan composition using drawings and photographs, and the presentation. Evaluation will be based on the work of the student's esquisse in class and the work submitted for the assignment.
(Assessment distribution: 15% architectural research, 5% watcher, 30% light box, 50% space of 5m cubic feet)
(However, students who have not submitted even one assignment may not receive credit.)

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese