GBPGBP (Global Business Program)
MAN300FB-A5516(経営学 / Management 300)Human Resource Management ⅡHuman Resource Managemant II
授業コードなどClass code etc
学部・研究科Faculty/Graduate school | GBPGBP (Global Business Program) |
添付ファイル名Attached documents | |
年度Year | 2022 |
授業コードClass code | A5516 |
旧授業コードPrevious Class code | |
旧科目名Previous Class title | |
開講時期Term | 春学期授業/Spring |
曜日・時限Day/Period | 火2/Tue.2 |
科目種別Class Type | |
キャンパスCampus | 市ヶ谷 / Ichigaya |
教室名称Classroom name | 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認 |
配当年次Grade | 2~4 |
単位数Credit(s) | 2 |
備考(履修条件等)Notes | |
他学部公開科目Open Program | |
他学部公開(履修条件等)Open Program (Notes) | |
グローバル・オープン科目Global Open Program | |
成績優秀者の他学部科目履修制度対象Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers | |
成績優秀者の他学部科目履修(履修条件等)Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes) | |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目Class taught by instructors with practical experience | ○ |
アーバンデザインCPUrban Design CP | |
ダイバーシティCPDiversity CP | |
未来教室CPLearning for the Future CP | |
カーボンニュートラルCPCarbon Neutral CP | |
千代田コンソ単位互換提供(他大学向け)Chiyoda Campus Consortium | |
カテゴリーCategory |
専門教育科目/Business Administration Courses 専門科目/Intermediate/Advanced Courses of Business Administration |
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授業の概要と目的(何を学ぶか)Outline and objectives
This course is intended to introduce students to the field of human resource management (HRM). Students learn theories and applications involved in effectively managing people in organizations.
Unlike many other fields in business and economics, policies and practices of HRM are influenced greatly by country-specific factors such as labor law, social customs, economic development stage and workforce structure. So, I will spend most time in explaining Japanese cases. But some common theories and international comparative perspectives are introduced as well.
More specifically, HRM II covers such topics as dismissal, job design, and labor-management relations. Furthermore, some current topics in HRM are covered, such as effects of aging and diminishing workforce, non-regular workers, diversity management, work/life balance and globalization.
Successful students will acquire basic knowledge of HRM in Japanese firms, as well as problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in the field of human resources and organizations, both of which are applicable to all types of organizations and jobs in which students will eventually work.
この授業を履修することで学部等のディプロマポリシーに示されたどの能力を習得することができるか(該当授業科目と学位授与方針に明示された学習成果との関連)Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?
This course is strongly related to the "DP2-2", "DP3" and "DP4" diploma policies and fairly related to the "DP1-1" and "DP1-3" policies.
授業で使用する言語Default language used in class
英語 / English
授業の進め方と方法Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )
In case it is feasible to have face-to-face lectures in a real classroom, my lecture and the discussion among students will be the main method. I count on "Hoppii" to distribute course materials and occasionally ask students to submit written assignments. Those assignments will be returned to the students with my comments.
アクティブラーニング(グループディスカッション、ディベート等)の実施Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)
あり / Yes
フィールドワーク(学外での実習等)の実施Fieldwork in class
なし / No
授業形態/methods of teaching:対面/face to face
1[対面/face to face]:Review of HRM I and Introduction to HRM II
Review of HRM I and the overview of HRM II
2[対面/face to face]:Separation (1)
Economic and legal perspectives
3[対面/face to face]:Separation (2)
More practical aspects
4[対面/face to face]:Separation (3)
Mandatory retirement in Japan
5[対面/face to face]:External Workforce
Outsourcing and temp agency workers
6[対面/face to face]:Job Design
Theory and practices
7[対面/face to face]:Tips for Case Studies in HRM
Useful knowledge to discuss cases in HRM
8[対面/face to face]:Discussion on a Case Study
A case on work-life balance
9[対面/face to face]:Diversity Management
Theory and empirical evidence
10[対面/face to face]:Working Hours
Situations in Japan and its regulations
11[対面/face to face]:Industrial Relations (1)
Union activities
12[対面/face to face]:Industrial Relations (2)
Labor disputes and the resolution systems
13[対面/face to face]:High-Commitment HRM
Theory and practices
14[対面/face to face]:HRM System in Japan
The wrap-up of the course and future directions
授業時間外の学習(準備学習・復習・宿題等)Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)
Preparatory study and review time for this class are 2 hours each. Before each class, read through course materials and find places where you have questions. During and after the class, you should clarify all the questions, and submit occasional assignments diligently.
I do not use any textbooks which students need to purchase. Instead, I will use my own handouts and data sets. But just for your reference, many of my course materials are based on the followings.
・ Baron, James N. and David M. Kreps (1999) Strategic Human Resources. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This is an excellent MBA-level textbook of HRM, whose methodology is blend of economics and organizational behavior.
・ Lazear, Edward P. (1998) Personnel Economics for Managers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
・ Lazear, Edward P. and Michael Gibbs (2015) Personnel Economics in Practice (3rd edition). Wiley. These two are readable textbooks of “personnel economics” by its pioneers.
・ Although contents written in English are limited, you could find useful information in the following site of the Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training:
・ Some important Japanese laws are translated into English. See the following site:
成績評価の方法と基準Grading criteria
The final grade will be based on writing assignments during the semester (80%). The participation in the class is counted as well (20%). I will not conduct an in-class final exam separately.
学生の意見等からの気づきChanges following student comments
I will encourage students to participate more actively in class.
学生が準備すべき機器他Equipment student needs to prepare
I regularly use Hoppii to upload course materials and to direct course assignments.
HRM I (Fall) and II (Spring) are taught in a sequential manner. So, it is recommended to take both courses in this order if that is possible. Some basic knowledge of economics and organizational behavior is preferred, but not required.
The instructor used to work for the Ministry of Labour of Japan in the 1980s as labor economists. Such knowledge and experiences will be used occasionally.
Among GBP subjects, the followings are closely related to this subject although they are not prerequisites: Introduction to Organizational Management, Introduction to Japanese Economy, Organizational Management I/II and Organizational Behavior I/II.
Upon threat level change
Please note that the teaching approach may vary according to which threat level we are at: at level 1, this course will be held on campus, though at level 2, it will be held online.