[2023年度]Ⅱ. Global Economy (10件) (10)
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学部・研究科Faculty/Graduate school | 授業コードClass code | 科目名Class title | 科目名(英語)Class title | 科目名(サブタイトル)Class Title (subtitle) | 旧科目名Previous Class title | 開講時期Term | 曜日・時限Day/Period | 教員名Instructor name | 執筆担当者(英語)Instructor name | 教室名称Classroom name | 配当年次Grade | 単位数Credit(s) | 備考(履修条件等)Notes | 科目主催学部Faculty Sponsored Department | その他属性Other Attributes | MYクラスMy class |
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9626 | Special Studies (Western Economic History ... | Special Studies (Western Economic History A) | 秋学期授業/F... | 火2/Tue.2 | KALENGA N JOHN | Kalenga NGOY JOHN | 市BT‐0902 | 1~4 | 2 | IGESS | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9626 | Special Studies (Western Economic History ... | Special Studies (Western Economic History A) | 秋学期授業/F... | 火2/Tue.2 | KALENGA N JOHN | Kalenga NGOY JOHN | 市BT‐0902 | 1~4 | 2 | IGESS | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9627 | Special Studies (Western Economic History ... | Special Studies (Western Economic History B) | 春学期授業/S... | 木2/Thu.2 | KALENGA N JOHN | Kalenga NGOY JOHN | 経112 | 1~4 | 2 | IGESS | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9627 | Special Studies (Western Economic History ... | Special Studies (Western Economic History B) | 春学期授業/S... | 木2/Thu.2 | KALENGA N JOHN | Kalenga NGOY JOHN | 経112 | 1~4 | 2 | IGESS | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9628 | Special Studies (Introduction to Econometr... | Special Studies (Introduction to Econometrics) | 春学期授業/S... | 月1/Mon.1 | 恩田 正行 | Masayuki ONDA | オンライン/o... | 1~4 | 2 | IGESS |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9628 | Special Studies (Introduction to Econometr... | Special Studies (Introduction to Econometrics) | 春学期授業/S... | 月1/Mon.1 | 恩田 正行 | Masayuki ONDA | オンライン/o... | 1~4 | 2 | IGESS |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9630 | Special Studies (Introduction to Game Theo... | Special Studies (Introduction to Game Theory) | 秋学期授業/F... | 木4/Thu.4 | 鈴木 豊 | Yutaka SUZUKI | オンライン/o... | 2~4 | 2 | IGESS | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | A9630 | Special Studies (Introduction to Game Theo... | Special Studies (Introduction to Game Theory) | 秋学期授業/F... | 木4/Thu.4 | 鈴木 豊 | Yutaka SUZUKI | オンライン/o... | 2~4 | 2 | IGESS | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6573 | Special Studies (Business Japanese A) | Special Studies (Business Japanese A) | 春学期授業/S... | 月2/Mon.2 | 大石 有香 | Yuka OISHI | 経114 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6573 | Special Studies (Business Japanese A) | Special Studies (Business Japanese A) | 春学期授業/S... | 月2/Mon.2 | 大石 有香 | Yuka OISHI | 経114 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6574 | Special Studies (Business Japanese B) | Special Studies (Business Japanese B) | 秋学期授業/F... | 月2/Mon.2 | 大石 有香 | Yuka OISHI | 経114 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6574 | Special Studies (Business Japanese B) | Special Studies (Business Japanese B) | 秋学期授業/F... | 月2/Mon.2 | 大石 有香 | Yuka OISHI | 経114 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics | |||||
IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6679 | Japan and the Global Economy A | Japan and the Global Economy A | 春学期授業/S... | 集中・その他/int... | 倪 彬 | Ni BIN | オンライン/o... | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6679 | Japan and the Global Economy A | Japan and the Global Economy A | 春学期授業/S... | 集中・その他/int... | 倪 彬 | Ni BIN | オンライン/o... | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6680 | Japan and the Global Economy B | Japan and the Global Economy B | 秋学期授業/F... | 集中・その他/int... | 倪 彬 | Ni BIN | オンライン/o... | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6680 | Japan and the Global Economy B | Japan and the Global Economy B | 秋学期授業/F... | 集中・その他/int... | 倪 彬 | Ni BIN | オンライン/o... | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6681 | Practical Economics A | Practical Economics A | 春学期授業/S... | 火2/Tue.2 | REYNALDO SENRA | Reynaldo SENRA | 経113 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6681 | Practical Economics A | Practical Economics A | 春学期授業/S... | 火2/Tue.2 | REYNALDO SENRA | Reynaldo SENRA | 経113 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6682 | Practical Economics B | Practical Economics B | 秋学期授業/F... | 火2/Tue.2 | REYNALDO SENRA | Reynaldo SENRA | 経113 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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IGESSIGESS (Insti... | K6682 | Practical Economics B | Practical Economics B | 秋学期授業/F... | 火2/Tue.2 | REYNALDO SENRA | Reynaldo SENRA | 経113 | 1~4 | 2 | Economics |
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