[2023年度]グローバル教養学部全科目一覧 / List of classes (334)

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  Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Faculty/Graduate school Class code Class title Class Title (subtitle) Previous Class title Term Day/Period Instructor name Classroom name Grade Credit(s) Notes Duplicate Subjects Taken Under Previous Class Title Other Attributes My class
Department o... A6001 Academic Writing Skills I (Class 3) 春学期授業/S... 木4/Thu.4 Mark Birtles 市外濠‐S403 1~4 2
Department o... A6002 Academic Writing Skills I (Class 4) 春学期授業/S... 金1/Fri.1 Mark Birtles 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6003 Academic Writing Skills I (Class 5) 春学期授業/S... 水1/Wed.1 Brian Sayers 市富士‐F302 1~4 2
Department o... A6004 Academic Writing Skills I (Class 6) 春学期授業/S... 金1/Fri.1 Geraldo Faria 市富士‐F306 1~4 2
Department o... A6005 Academic Writing Skills I (Class 7) 春学期授業/S... 土1/Sat.1 Olesya Shatunova 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6006 Academic Writing Skills I (Class 8) 春学期授業/S... 木2/Thu.2 Marcus Lovitt BT0506 1~4 2
Department o... A6007 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 1) 春学期授業/S... 水1/Wed.1 Robert Paterson 市富士‐F311 1~4 2
Department o... A6008 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 2) 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Sarah Allen 市Y‐Y402 1~4 2
Department o... A6009 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 3) 秋学期授業/F... 金2/Fri.2 Mark Birtles 市外濠‐S404 1~4 2
Department o... A6010 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 4) 秋学期授業/F... 金1/Fri.1 Mark Birtles 市外濠‐S404 1~4 2
Department o... A6011 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 5) 秋学期授業/F... 水1/Wed.1 Brian Sayers 市Y‐Y605 1~4 2
Department o... A6012 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 6) 秋学期授業/F... 金1/Fri.1 Geraldo Faria 市外濠‐S203 1~4 2
Department o... A6013 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 7) 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Robert Paterson 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2
Department o... A6014 Academic Writing Skills II (Class 8) 秋学期授業/F... 月3/Mon.3 Marcus Lovitt 市富士‐F405 1~4 2
Department o... A6015 Reading Skills I (Class 7) 春学期授業/S... 水1/Wed.1 Heike Hoffer 市BT‐0705 1~4 2
Department o... A6016 Reading Skills I (Class 8) 春学期授業/S... 土2/Sat.2 Olesya Shatunova 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6017 Reading Skills II (Class 1) 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Heike Hoffer 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6018 Reading Skills II (Class 2) 秋学期授業/F... 木1/Thu.1 Daiki Hiramori 市富士‐F305 1~4 2
Department o... A6019 Reading Skills II (Class 3) 秋学期授業/F... 土1/Sat.1 Olesya Shatunova Y602 1~4 2
Department o... A6020 Reading Skills II (Class 4) 秋学期授業/F... 土2/Sat.2 Olesya Shatunova Y406 1~4 2
Department o... A6021 Reading Skills II (Class 5) 秋学期授業/F... 金4/Fri.4 Naomi Hirota 市富士‐F404 1~4 2
Department o... A6022 Reading Skills II (Class 6) 秋学期授業/F... 金5/Fri.5 Naomi Hirota 市富士‐F404 1~4 2
Department o... A6023 Reading Skills II (Class 7) 秋学期授業/F... 金6/Fri.6 Naomi Hirota 市富士‐F404 1~4 2
Department o... A6024 Reading Skills II (Class 8) 秋学期授業/F... 土3/Sat.3 Olesya Shatunova 市外濠‐S204 1~4 2
Department o... A6025 Freshman English I 春学期授業/S... 月1/Mon.1 Kazuki Hata 市外濠‐S504 1~4 1
Department o... A6027 Freshman English II 春学期授業/S... 月2/Mon.2 Kazuki Hata 市外濠‐S504 1~4 1
Department o... A6026 Freshman English I 春学期授業/S... 火1/Tue.1 Heike Hoffer 市BT‐1005 1~4 1
Department o... A6028 Freshman English II 春学期授業/S... 火2/Tue.2 Heike Hoffer 市BT‐1005 1~4 1
Department o... A6033 Debate and Discussion 春学期授業/S... 月3/Mon.3 Kazuki Hata 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2
Department o... A6034 Debate and Discussion 秋学期授業/F... 月3/Mon.3 Kazuki Hata 市BT‐0504 1~4 2
Department o... A6035 Presentation and Public Speaking (Advanced) 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Mark Birtles 市外濠‐S404 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6036 Presentation and Public Speaking (Advanced) 秋学期授業/F... 金5/Fri.5 Mark Birtles 市富士‐F307 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6037 Presentation and Public Speaking (Standard) 春学期授業/S... 水3/Wed.3 Alan Meadows 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6038 Presentation and Public Speaking (Standard) 秋学期授業/F... 水4/Wed.4 Alan Meadows 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6039 English Test Preparation for IELTS 春学期授業/S... 水4/Wed.4 Marcus Lovitt 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6040 English Test Preparation for TOEFL (English Test Prepar... 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Marcus Lovitt 市富士‐F308 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6041 Professional Communication 秋学期授業/F... 金3/Fri.3 Mark Birtles 市富士‐F401 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6042 Statistics 秋学期授業/F... 木3/Thu.3 Yuji Ogihara 市BT‐情実習F 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6045 Information Technology I 春学期授業/S... 土1/Sat.1 May Kristine Jonson Carlon 市BT‐情実習C 1~4 2
Department o... A6048 Introduction to Programming 春学期授業/S... 金2/Fri.2 Youyung Hyun 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6100 Introduction to Literary Theory 春学期授業/S... 月2/Mon.2 Gregory Khezrnejat 市外濠‐S401 1~4 2
Department o... A6101 Introduction to Literary Theory 秋学期授業/F... 火1/Tue.1 Gregory Khezrnejat 市Y‐Y701 1~4 2
Department o... A6102 Introduction to English Literature 春学期授業/S... 水1/Wed.1 Christopher Edward John Simons 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6103 Introduction to English Literature 秋学期授業/F... 水1/Wed.1 Christopher Edward John Simons 市富士‐F402 1~4 2
Department o... A6105 Studies in Popular Fiction 春学期授業/S... 水6/Wed.6 CatherineMarie Munroe Hotes 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2
Department o... A6107 Drama Survey 春学期授業/S... 木1/Thu.1 John Wescott Oglevee 市外濠‐S403 1~4 2
Department o... A6108 Introduction to Philosophy 春学期授業/S... 木1/Thu.1 Joel Van Fossen 市富士‐F305 1~4 2
Department o... A6109 Religious Studies 秋学期授業/F... 水3/Wed.3 Robert Sinclair 市外濠‐S301 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6110 History of Modern Europe 秋学期授業/F... 月1/Mon.1 Markus Winter 市富士‐F401 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6111 History of Modern East Asia 秋学期授業/F... 木3/Thu.3 Chris H Park 市外濠‐S203 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6113 Music Appreciation 春学期授業/S... 水5/Wed.5 Cathy Cox S204 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6114 Drama Workshop 秋学期授業/F... 火3/Tue.3 John Wescott Oglevee 市富士‐F303 1~4 2
Department o... A6115 Australia: Society and People 秋学期授業/F... 水4/Wed.4 Marcus Lovitt 市富士‐F305 1~4 2
Department o... A6116 UK: Society and People 春学期授業/S... 火4/Tue.4 Brian Sayers 市Y‐Y701 1~4 2 GL
Department o... A6117 UK: Society and People 秋学期授業/F... 火4/Tue.4 Brian Sayers 市富士‐F309 1~4 2 GL
Department o... A6120 Introduction to Media Theory 秋学期授業/F... 木2/Thu.2 Stevie Suan 市富士‐F504 1~4 2
Department o... A6121 Manga Studies 春学期授業/S... 木2/Thu.2 Stevie Suan 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6123 Visual Arts (Visual Arts II) 春学期授業/S... 水3/Wed.3 Aquiles Hadjis Y605 1~4 2 × AA
Department o... A6124 Topics in Arts: Fine Arts (General Topics I: F... 秋学期授業/F... 金1/Fri.1 Suzanne Mooney 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 × AA
Department o... A6125 Topics in Arts: Visual Communication Design (General Topics I: V... 秋学期授業/F... 土2/Sat.2 Gary McLeod 市富士‐F308 1~4 2 × AA
Department o... A6126 Introduction to Linguistics 春学期授業/S... 火2/Tue.2 Yutai Watanabe 市富士‐F404 1~4 2
Department o... A6127 Introduction to Linguistics 秋学期授業/F... 金2/Fri.2 Nobumi Nakai 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6128 Contrastive Linguistics 春学期授業/S... 金2/Fri.2 Geraldo Faria 市富士‐F306 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6130 TESOL I: Introduction (ESL Education I: In... 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Machiko Kobori 市BT‐0609 1~4 2 × GL
Department o... A6131 Language Education in the Digital Era 秋学期授業/F... 水1/Wed.1 Robert Paterson S601 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6132 Second Language Acquisition 秋学期授業/F... 金4/Fri.4 Tomoko Shigyo 市外濠‐S404 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6133 Comparative Education 秋学期授業/F... 木2/Thu.2 Machiko Kobori 市外濠‐S603 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6134 History of Philosophy 秋学期授業/F... 月4/Mon.4 Joel Van Fossen 市富士‐F309 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6136 Introduction to Ethics 秋学期授業/F... 金1/Fri.1 Joel Van Fossen 市Y‐Y603 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6140 French A I 春学期授業/S... 月4/Mon.4 Masamichi Suzuki 市BT‐0509 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6141 French A II 秋学期授業/F... 月4/Mon.4 Masamichi Suzuki 市BT‐0509 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6142 French B I 春学期授業/S... 水2/Wed.2 Tamio Okamura 市外濠‐S603 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6143 French B II 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Tamio Okamura 市富士‐F302 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6144 Spanish A I 春学期授業/S... 金5/Fri.5 Taiga Wakabayashi 市外濠‐S303 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6145 Spanish A II 秋学期授業/F... 金5/Fri.5 Taiga Wakabayashi 市外濠‐S303 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6146 Spanish B I 春学期授業/S... 火4/Tue.4 Yoshifumi Onuki 市富士‐F309 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6147 Spanish B II 秋学期授業/F... 火4/Tue.4 Yoshifumi Onuki 市富士‐F503 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6148 Chinese A I 春学期授業/S... 水3/Wed.3 Yuko Takada オンライン(... 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6149 Chinese A II 秋学期授業/F... 水3/Wed.3 Yuko Takada オンライン(... 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6150 Chinese B I 春学期授業/S... 木4/Thu.4 Shota Watanabe 市BT‐0308 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6151 Chinese B II 秋学期授業/F... 木4/Thu.4 Shota Watanabe 市BT‐0308 1~4 1 ... AA
Department o... A6161 Introduction to Sociology (Understanding Socie... 春学期授業/S... 月1/Mon.1 Daiki Hiramori 市富士‐F401 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6162 Introduction to Sociology (Understanding Socie... 秋学期授業/F... 月1/Mon.1 Daiki Hiramori 市富士‐F402 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6163 Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in Japan 春学期授業/S... 水4/Wed.4 Keiko Nishimura 市富士‐F402 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6164 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 秋学期授業/F... 木5/Thu.5 Simon Robert Glynn Petre 市外濠‐S302 1~4 2
Department o... A6165 Introduction to Psychology I (Understanding the H... 春学期授業/S... 金2/Fri.2 Takafumi Sawaumi F310 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6166 Introduction to Psychology II (Understanding the H... 秋学期授業/F... 火5/Tue.5 Dexter Da Silva 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6167 Developmental Psychology 秋学期授業/F... 月2/Mon.2 Sayaka Aoki 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6168 Media Studies (Media Studies I) 秋学期授業/F... 木3/Thu.3 Muge Igarashi 市外濠‐S204 1~4 2 × AA
Department o... A6169 Introduction to International Relations (Introduction to Int... 春学期授業/S... 火3/Tue.3 Takeshi Yuzawa 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6170 Introduction to International Relations (Introduction to Int... 秋学期授業/F... 火4/Tue.4 Takeshi Yuzawa 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6171 Introduction to Political Science 春学期授業/S... 金3/Fri.3 Miwa Nakajo オンライン(... 1~4 2
Department o... A6174 Introduction to Development Studies 春学期授業/S... 月4/Mon.4 Norio Usui 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2 AA
Department o... A6176 Introduction to Social Research Methods 春学期授業/S... 月3/Mon.3 Daiki Hiramori 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6180 Introduction to Business 春学期授業/S... 火1/Tue.1 Shiaw Jia Eyo 市外濠‐S601 1~4 2
Department o... A6181 Introduction to Business 秋学期授業/F... 水3/Wed.3 Karen Lai Kai Lin 市BT‐0706 1~4 2
Department o... A6184 Macroeconomics I 春学期授業/S... 金4/Fri.4 Alberto Iniguez 市外濠‐S602 1~4 2
Department o... A6185 Microeconomics I (Understanding Micro... 春学期授業/S... 水5/Wed.5 AugustoRicardoDelgadoNarro 市富士‐F308 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6186 Microeconomics I (Understanding Micro... 秋学期授業/F... 金5/Fri.5 AugustoRicardoDelgadoNarro 市富士‐F310 1~4 2 ×
Department o... A6188 Introduction to Tourism Studies 春学期授業/S... 月1/Mon.1 John Melvin 市外濠‐S603 1~4 2 AA PE