[2024年度]全科目一覧 / List of classes (19451)

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  Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Faculty/Graduate school Class code Class title Class Title (subtitle) Previous Class title Term Day/Period Instructor name Classroom name Grade Credit(s) Notes Other Attributes My class
Graduate Sch... X0011 Study on History of Ancient Philosophy II - 2 秋学期授業/F... 金6/Fri.6 Kazuo OKUDA 2
Graduate Sch... X4014 Legal History Ⅲ 春学期授業/S... 水4/Wed.4 高 友希子 2
Graduate Sch... X7039 Seminar in Business Administration 年間授業/Yea... 土5/Sat.5 Takashi NIIKURA 4
Graduate Sch... X8010 Educational Management and Administration 春学期授業/S... 月6/Mon.6, 月7/M... Ryouichi TAKANO 4
Graduate Sch... X2010 Multilingual Interrelations ⅢB 秋学期授業/F... 金4/Fri.4 Tetsuya KOSHIISHI 2
Faculty of S... C2006 Civil Society and Politics 春学期授業/S... 木4/Thu.4 Yumiko TANIMOTO 1~4 2
SCOPE (Susta... C3511 Japan's International Development Cooperation and Sustainable Society 春学期授業/S... 金3/Fri.3 Naruhiko TAKESADA 2~4 2 GL
School of Co... 37001 Political Economics A / Political Economics I 大澤 覚 2
Graduate Sch... X5019 Study of Community Theory 1 春学期後半/S... 火6/Tue.6, 火7/T... 渕元 初姫 2
English Rein... A8009 Writing & Discussion:Intermediate I 春学期授業/S... 金4/Fri.4 Jason Lee 1~4 1 PE
Graduate Sch... S0015 Community-based Social Work 秋学期授業/F... 木3/Thu.3 Takashi MIYASHIRO 1・2 2 PE
Faculty of S... N0016 Introduction to Academic Study 2 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Masaatsu DOI 1 2
Faculty of S... N0016 Introduction to Academic Study 2 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Masaatsu DOI 1 2
Graduate Sch... XW012 Theory of Urban Space 春学期前半/S... 火6/Tue.6, 火7/T... Hajime KAMIYAMA 2
School of Co... 21005 English Akio MITSUNO 1
Faculty of I... C0221 Media and Information 春学期授業/S... 月4/Mon.4 Yoichi KIMIZUKA 1~4 2
Business Sch... W0011 Human Resource Management 1 秋学期前半/F... 土1/Sat.1, 土2/... Hiroyuki FUJIMURA 1・2 2 基礎科目
Graduate Sch... X3010 Econometrics A 春学期授業/S... 月6/Mon.6 明城 聡 2
Teacher-Trai... L3115 Student Guidance and Counseling 春学期授業/S... 火5/Tue.5 Akio INUI 2~4 2
Graduate Sch... X0012 Study on Logic I - 1 春学期授業/S... 火3/Tue.3 Yuuki ANDOU 2
Graduate Sch... X4015 Legal History Ⅳ 秋学期授業/F... 水4/Wed.4 高 友希子 2
Graduate Sch... X7040 Seminar in Business Administration 年間授業/Yea... 土5/Sat.5 Shohei HASEGAWA 4
Graduate Sch... X8011 Career Education 春学期授業/S... 土5/Sat.5, 土6/S... Mitsuko UENISHI 4
Graduate Sch... X2011 Multicultural Interrelations Ⅰ A 春学期授業/S... 金5/Fri.5 Arisa IWAKAWA 2
School of Co... 38001 Special Study in Management 福島 英史 2
SCOPE (Susta... C3512 Asian Societies and Japan 春学期授業/S... 木1/Thu.1 Atsuko Watanabe 1~4 2 GL
Graduate Sch... X5020 Study of Community Theory 2 秋学期前半/F... 月6/Mon.6, 月7/M... 西谷内 博美 2
Faculty of L... A3803 Studies of Mass Communication 春学期授業/S... 月4/Mon.4 Yoichi KIMIZUKA 1~4 2
English Rein... A8010 Oral Presentation & Discussion:Higher-Intermediate I 春学期授業/S... 月2/Mon.2 Jason Lee 1~4 1 PE
Faculty of S... C2007 Public Administration 年間授業/Yea... 水2/Wed.2 Jiro YAMAGUCHI 2~4 4
Graduate Sch... S0016 Social Work and Services (Child and Family) 春学期授業/S... 木5/Thu.5 Mika IWATA 1・2 2
Faculty of S... N0008 Introduction to Academic Study 1 春学期授業/S... 水1/Wed.1, 水2/W... Takehito NODA 1 2
Faculty of S... N0008 Introduction to Academic Study 1 春学期授業/S... 水1/Wed.1, 水2/W... Takehito NODA 1 2
School of Co... 21006 German Manabu MIYAGI 1
Faculty of I... C0222 Society and Arts 春学期授業/S... 水2/Wed.2 Tatsuo INAGAKI 1~4 2
Business Sch... W0012 Human Resource Management 2 秋学期後半/F... 土1/Sat.1, 土2/S... Hiroyuki FUJIMURA 1・2 2 基礎科目
Graduate Sch... X3011 Econometrics B 秋学期授業/F... 木7/Thu.7 濱秋 純哉 2
Teacher-Trai... L3116 Student Guidance and Counseling 秋学期授業/F... 火5/Tue.5 Akio INUI 2~4 2
Graduate Sch... X0013 Study on Logic I - 2 秋学期授業/F... 火3/Tue.3 Yuuki ANDOU 2
Graduate Sch... X7041 Seminar in Business Administration 年間授業/Yea... 月4/Mon.4 Haruo HORAGUCHI 4
Graduate Sch... X8012 Sociology of Education 春学期授業/S... 木6/Thu.6, 木7/T... Miki TSUTSUI 4
Graduate Sch... X2012 Multicultural Interrelations Ⅰ B 秋学期授業/F... 金5/Fri.5 Arisa IWAKAWA 2
SCOPE (Susta... C3513 Japanese Rural Society 秋学期授業/F... 火4/Tue.4 Shamik Chakraborty 1~4 2 GL
Faculty of S... C2008 International Relations 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Akiko OKAMATSU 1~4 2
School of Co... 38001... Information Science / Introduction to Computer 林 直嗣 2
Graduate Sch... X4016 Comparative Law I 秋学期授業/F... 集中・その他/int... 牟 憲魁 2
Graduate Sch... X5025 Public Policy 1 春学期前半/S... 火6/Tue.6, 火7/T... 渕元 初姫 2
English Rein... A8011 Oral Presentation & Discussion:Higher-Intermediate I 春学期授業/S... 木2/Thu.2 Jason Lee 1~4 1 PE
Graduate Sch... S0017 Social Work and Services (Elderly) 春学期授業/S... 木1/Thu.1 Ritsuko NAKAMURA 1・2 2
Faculty of S... N0020 Introduction to Academic Study 2 秋学期授業/F... 水1/Wed.1, 水2/W... Takehito NODA 1 2
Faculty of S... N0020 Introduction to Academic Study 2 秋学期授業/F... 水1/Wed.1, 水2/W... Takehito NODA 1 2
SCOPE (Susta... C3514 Subsistence, Resource Use and Sustainability 春学期授業/S... 木1/Thu.1 Shamik Chakraborty 1~4 2 GL
School of Co... 21007 French Eiichi SANO 1
Faculty of I... C0223 Media and Society 秋学期授業/F... 水3/Wed.3 Tatsuo INAGAKI 1~4 2
Business Sch... W0013 Financial Accounting 春学期後半/S... 月1/Mon.1, 月2/... Takashi ISHIJIMA 1・2 2 基礎科目
Graduate Sch... X3012 Political Economy A 春学期授業/S... 土4/Sat.4 佐藤 良一 2
Teacher-Trai... L3111 Teaching Method of History , Geography and Social Studies 年間授業/Yea... 火2/Tue.2 Norio ISHIDE 2~4 4
Graduate Sch... X0014 Study on Logic II - 1 春学期授業/S... 水4/Wed.4 Ryusei KEIRA 2
Graduate Sch... X7042 Seminar in Business Administration 年間授業/Yea... 土5/Sat.5 Norihiko OGAWA 4
Graduate Sch... X8013 Lifelong Learning and Education 秋学期授業/F... 土3/Sat.3, 土4/S... Kouichi SASAGAWA 4
Faculty of S... C2009 Introduction to the U.S. Legal System 春学期授業/S... 金2/Fri.2 Hideo NAGANO 2~4 2
School of Co... 36001 Field Excursion 山口 隆子 1
Graduate Sch... X4017 Comparative Law II 秋学期授業/F... 集中・その他/int... 劉 士国 2
Graduate Sch... X5026 Public Policy 2 秋学期前半/F... 火6/Tue.6, 火7/T... 渕元 初姫 2
English Rein... A8012 Oral Presentation & Discussion:Higher-Intermediate I 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Samuel Harper 1~4 1 PE
Graduate Sch... S0018 Social Work and Services (Handicapped) 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 Satoko SINBO 1・2 2 PE
Faculty of S... N0002 Introduction to Academic Study 1 春学期授業/S... 水2/Wed.2 Hisashi FUKAWA 1 2
Faculty of S... N0002 Introduction to Academic Study 1 春学期授業/S... 水2/Wed.2 Hisashi FUKAWA 1 2
Graduate Sch... XW013 Sociology of Tourism 秋学期授業/F... 土3/Sat.3 Hiroshi SUDO 2
School of Co... 22001 Exercises Yosuke TAKEUCHI 2
Faculty of I... C0224 Body and Representation 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Kiminori FUKAYA 1~4 2
Business Sch... W0014 Financial Accounting 秋学期後半/F... 木6/Thu.6, 木7/T... Mineo Uchiyama 1・2 2 基礎科目、MBA...
Graduate Sch... X3013 Political Economy B 秋学期授業/F... 土2/Sat.2 原 伸子 2
Teacher-Trai... L3112 Teaching Method of History , Civics and Social Studies 年間授業/Yea... 水2/Wed.2 Toshiaki KUWAYAMA 2~4 4
Graduate Sch... X0015 Study on Logic II - 2 秋学期授業/F... 水4/Wed.4 Ryusei KEIRA 2
Graduate Sch... X4018 Anglo-American Law Ⅰ 春学期授業/S... 木3/Thu.3 小山田 朋子 2
Graduate Sch... X5029 Political Processes 1 春学期授業/S... 木6/Thu.6 山口 二郎 2
Graduate Sch... X7043 Seminar in Business Administration 年間授業/Yea... 土5/Sat.5 Narimasa YOKOYAMA 4
Graduate Sch... X8014 Theory of Career Development 春学期授業/S... 水6/Wed.6, 水7/W... Emiko TAKEISHI 4
Graduate Sch... X2014 Multicultural Perspectives on Art and Media Ⅰ 春学期授業/S... 金3/Fri.3 Chitose SATO 2
SCOPE (Susta... C3515 Civil Society and NGOs 春学期授業/S... 金5/Fri.5 Yukio ONO 1~4 2 GL
Faculty of S... C2010 Local Government 秋学期授業/F... 木4/Thu.4 Yumiko TANIMOTO 1~4 2
School of Co... 36002 Methods and Practice in Surveying (1) 平井 英明 2
English Rein... A8013 Oral Presentation & Discussion:Higher-Intermediate I 春学期授業/S... 金3/Fri.3 Iain Lonsdale 1~4 1 PE
Faculty of S... N0014 Introduction to Academic Study 2 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Hisashi FUKAWA 1 2
Faculty of S... N0014 Introduction to Academic Study 2 秋学期授業/F... 水2/Wed.2 Hisashi FUKAWA 1 2
Graduate Sch... XW014 Studies on regional industries 春学期前半/S... 火6/Tue.6, 火7/T... Akio MAKABE 2
School of Co... 23001 Law of Contracts and Torts Saori ASHIKAGA 2
Faculty of I... C0232 Contemporary Thought なぜ若者は、... 秋学期授業/F... 月3/Mon.3 Osamu MORIMURA 1~4 2
Business Sch... W0015 Managerial Accounting 秋学期前半/F... 木6/Thu.6, 木7/... Isamu KANEDA 1・2 2 基礎科目
Graduate Sch... X3014 Macroeconomics A 春学期授業/S... 土1/Sat.1 森田 裕史 2
Faculty of S... LA309 Studies in Islamic Society 地域研究(イ... 春学期授業/S... 水2/Wed.2 Tadashi OKANOUCHI 2 OP PE
Teacher-Trai... L3113 Teaching Method of Information Science 年間授業/Yea... 火1/Tue.1 Jun MISONOU 2~4 4
Graduate Sch... X0016 Study on History of Modern Ethics I - 1 春学期授業/S... 金3/Fri.3 Tatsubumi SUGASAWA 2
Graduate Sch... X4019 Anglo-American Law Ⅱ 秋学期授業/F... 月2/Mon.2 小山田 朋子 2
Graduate Sch... X5030 Political Processes 2 秋学期授業/F... 木5/Thu.5 山口 二郎 2
Graduate Sch... X8015 Human Resource Management Makoto FUJIMOTO 4
Graduate Sch... X2015 Multicultural Perspectives on Art and Media Ⅱ 秋学期授業/F... 水5/Wed.5 Isao HIROMATSU 2
SCOPE (Susta... C3550 Strategies for Intercultural Communication 春学期授業/S... 火4/Tue.4 ESTHER STOCKWELL 1~4 2
Faculty of S... C2011 The Constitution of Japan 秋学期授業/F... 水3/Wed.3 Shiho TSUCHIYA 1~4 2