Faculty/Graduate school Department of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies
Attached documents
Year 2023
Class code A6381
Previous Class code
Previous Class title
Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 月2/Mon.2
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷 / Ichigaya
Classroom name BT0601
Grade 3~4
Credit(s) 2
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Duplicate Subjects Taken Under Previous Class Title
Category (commenced 2024 onwards)
Category (commenced 2020-2023) 300-level Advanced Courses(上級)
Category (commenced 2016-2019) 300-level Advanced Courses
Arts and Literature

【授業の概要と目的(何を学ぶか) / Outline and objectives】
Few literary forms are more wed to the world around them than satire, which ridicules cultural vices through irony and exaggeration. Studying American satire, then, means studying the historical norms, attitudes, and actions that it attacks. We will begin the course by learning to identify and interpret the satiric tools of parody, caricature, and irony. We will then examine how American satire from Mark Twain to contemporary writers has taken on the American dream, religion, war, and race. While the course will focus on literary satire, it will also explore satire in a variety of contemporary media, including television, animation, comics, and film. Because of its focus on culturally specific irony, the course offers students a vehicle to deepen their understanding of the subtleties of English and the paradoxes of American culture.

【到達目標 / Goal】
As they become acquainted with American literary satire, students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills. They will learn 1) to identify the various satiric tools of parody, caricature, and irony, 2) to analyze how these tools are employed in American satire to critique cultural norms and values, 3) to compare and contrast the different ways in which American satire has addressed issues such as war, religion, race, and the American dream, and 4) to communicate their insights effectively in written and oral form.

【この授業を履修することで学部等のディプロマポリシーに示されたどの能力を習得することができるか(該当授業科目と学位授与方針に明示された学習成果との関連) / Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?】
Will be able to gain “DP 1”, “DP 2”, “DP 3”, and “DP 4”.

【授業で使用する言語 / Default language used in class】
英語 / English

【授業の進め方と方法 / Method(s)】 (学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )
Classes will emphasize discussion and group work, with lectures interspersed to provide historical and analytical context about the assigned readings. Each week students will be provided with 1) short stories, excerpts from longer works, or critical essays, and 2) a prompt to consider before class. Discussions will draw upon these prompts to help the students develop their critical and analytical skills. Students will be assessed on their understanding of the class material through their presentation and a final paper. Students will receive feedback in class and in written form, based on a grading rubric.

【アクティブラーニング(グループディスカッション、ディベート等)の実施 / Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)】
あり / Yes

【フィールドワーク(学外での実習等)の実施 / Fieldwork in class】
なし / No

【授業計画 / Schedule】
授業形態 / methods of teaching:対面/face to face

回 / No. 各回の授業形態予定 / methods of teachingテーマ / Theme 内容 / Contents
1 対面/face to faceIntroduction to the Form What is Satire?
2 対面/face to faceTools of Satire Parody, Caricature, and Irony
3 対面/face to faceBritish Roots of American Satire Jonathan Swift, Benjamin Franklin, and Literary Hoaxes
4 対面/face to faceSatirizing the American Dream I The Myth of Horatio Alger and Nathanael West’s Cool Million
5 対面/face to faceSatirizing the American Dream II Animation and The Simpsons
6 対面/face to faceSatirizing the American Dream III The Techo-Dystopia of Gary Shteyngart
7 対面/face to faceSatirizing Religion Nationalism and Religiosity in Mark Twain
8 対面/face to faceSatirizing Secularism Flannery O’Connor’s Catholic Vision
9 対面/face to faceSatirizing War Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Stephen Crane, Joseph Heller
10 対面/face to faceSatirizing Race George Schuyler and The Harlem Renaissance
11 対面/face to faceSatire in American Comics Garry Trudeau’s Doonesbury
12 対面/face to faceSatire as Public Pedagogy The Colbert Report
13 対面/face to faceClass Presentations Presentations
14 対面/face to faceClass Presentations and Review for Final Paper Presentations and Review

【授業時間外の学習(準備学習・復習・宿題等) / Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)】
Preparatory study and review time for this class are two hours each. To prepare, students will read comics and excerpts from satires and criticism that the instructor will provide. They should be ready to discuss responses to a prompt that will be provided in advance.

【テキスト(教科書) / Textbooks】
No textbook will be used. Handouts and reading materials will be provided by the lecturer.

【参考書 / References】
Bakalar, Nicholas. American Satire: An Anthology of Writings from the Colonial Times to the Present. Meridian, 1997.
Greenberg, Jonathan. The Cambridge Introduction to Satire. Cambridge, 2019.

【成績評価の方法と基準 / Grading criteria】
Participation 20%
Presentation 40%
Final paper 40%

【学生の意見等からの気づき / Changes following student comments】
