Faculty/Graduate school Department of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies
Attached documents
Year 2023
Class code A6437
Previous Class code
Previous Class title
Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 木4/Thu.4
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷 / Ichigaya
Classroom name 市BT‐1005
Grade 3~4
Credit(s) 2
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes) 制度ウェブサイトの3.科目別の注意事項(1)GIS主催科目の履修上の注意を参照すること。
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Duplicate Subjects Taken Under Previous Class Title
Category (commenced 2024 onwards)
Category (commenced 2020-2023) 400-level Seminar Courses(演習)
Category (commenced 2016-2019) 400-level Seminar Courses

【授業の概要と目的(何を学ぶか) / Outline and objectives】
This seminar is for students interested in literature, literary research, and composition. What separates a strong reading from a weak reading? How do critics and theorists evaluate and discuss a text? What tools and methods do researchers employ to deepen our understanding of a work of literature and its context? In this course, we will be exploring these questions through reading, researching, and discussing a selection of modern and contemporary pieces of short fiction.

【到達目標 / Goal】
Over the course of this seminar, students will:
(1) develop advanced close reading skills
(2) grasp the basic theory and methodology of literary research
(3) develop the ability to discuss prose fiction in multiple technical and theoretical contexts

【この授業を履修することで学部等のディプロマポリシーに示されたどの能力を習得することができるか(該当授業科目と学位授与方針に明示された学習成果との関連) / Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?】
Will be able to gain “DP 1”, “DP 2”, “DP 3”, and “DP 4”.

【授業で使用する言語 / Default language used in class】
英語 / English

【授業の進め方と方法 / Method(s)】 (学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )
This seminar will be primarily based around reading short fiction and essays. Students will conduct independent research on assigned short stories, which they will then present in class. These presentations will be interspersed with lectures and guided readings by the instructor. Students will be assessed based on class participation, presentations, and written submissions. Feedback on presentations and written assignments will be provided in class.

【アクティブラーニング(グループディスカッション、ディベート等)の実施 / Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)】
あり / Yes

【フィールドワーク(学外での実習等)の実施 / Fieldwork in class】
なし / No

【授業計画 / Schedule】
授業形態 / methods of teaching:対面/face to face

回 / No. 各回の授業形態予定 / methods of teachingテーマ / Theme 内容 / Contents
1 オンライン/onlineIntroduction Introduction
2 対面/face to faceResearch Methods An introduction to methods and resources for literature research
3 対面/face to faceReading Literary Research (1) Reading and critiquing secondary sources in literature research
4 対面/face to faceReading Literary Research (2) Reading and critiquing secondary sources in literature research
5 対面/face to faceReading 1 Presentation and discussion related to student research
6 対面/face to faceReading 2 Presentation and discussion related to student research
7 対面/face to faceReading 3 Presentation and discussion related to student research
8 対面/face to faceReading 4 Presentation and discussion related to student research
9 対面/face to faceReading 5 Presentation and discussion related to student research
10 対面/face to faceReading 6 Presentation and discussion related to student research
11 対面/face to faceReading 7 Presentation and discussion related to student research
12 対面/face to faceReading 8 Presentation and discussion related to student research
13 対面/face to faceReading 9 Presentation and discussion related to student research
14 対面/face to faceSynthesis A review of the major themes and concepts of the course

【授業時間外の学習(準備学習・復習・宿題等) / Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)】
Students are expected to perform close readings of each of the assigned texts outside of class. This seminar will also require the completion of an independent research project. Preparatory study and review time for this class are 4 hours each.

【テキスト(教科書) / Textbooks】
Texts will be provided through Hoppii.

【参考書 / References】
Relevant references will be provided in class by the instructor.

【成績評価の方法と基準 / Grading criteria】
Class contribution: 20%
Written assignments: 30%
Presentation: 25%
Final paper: 25%

【学生の意見等からの気づき / Changes following student comments】
Not applicable.

【その他の重要事項 / Others】
Students who have previously taken literature courses in GIS -- particularly Introduction to Literary Theory and/or Comparative Literature -- will be given priority consideration.

There are currently no prerequisites for this seminar.