GISDepartment of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies
MAN300ZA(経営学 / Management 300)Services MarketingServices Marketing
授業コードなどClass code etc
学部・研究科Faculty/Graduate school | GISDepartment of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies |
添付ファイル名Attached documents | |
年度Year | 2022 |
授業コードClass code | A6353 |
旧授業コードPrevious Class code | |
旧科目名Previous Class title | |
開講時期Term | 春学期授業/Spring |
曜日・時限Day/Period | 火2/Tue.2 |
科目種別Class Type | |
キャンパスCampus | 市ヶ谷 / Ichigaya |
教室名称Classroom name | 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認 |
配当年次Grade | 3~4 |
単位数Credit(s) | 2 |
備考(履修条件等)Notes | |
他学部公開科目Open Courses | |
他学部公開(履修条件等)Open Courses (Notes) | |
グローバル・オープン科目Global Open Courses | |
成績優秀者の他学部科目履修制度対象Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers | ○ |
成績優秀者の他学部科目履修(履修条件等)Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes) | 制度ウェブサイトの3.科目別の注意事項 (1) GIS主催科目の履修上の注意を参照すること。 |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目Class taught by instructors with practical experience | ○ |
アーバンデザインCPUrban Design CP | |
ダイバーシティCPDiversity CP | |
未来教室CPLearning for the Future CP | |
カーボンニュートラルCPCarbon Neutral CP | |
千代田コンソ単位互換提供(他大学向け)Chiyoda Campus Consortium | |
旧科目との重複履修Duplicate Subjects Taken Under Previous Class Title | |
カテゴリー(2024年度以降入学者)Category (commenced 2024 onwards) | |
カテゴリー(2020~2023年度入学者)Category (commenced 2020-2023) | |
カテゴリー(2016~2019年度入学者)Category (commenced 2016-2019) |
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授業の概要と目的(何を学ぶか)Outline and objectives
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theoretical and practical processes of marketing services, with a particular focus on tourism. Driven particularly by globalization and advances in technology, organizations and customers are experiencing closer and more interactive relationships than before, with important consequences for marketing. It is essential for companies and destinations to understand the impact of these changes in order to maintain and develop competitive advantage.
This course will consider strategic issues in services marketing; we will also consider micro-marketing issues relating to service design, the service experience, tourist behavior and the challenges and opportunities for managers presented by technological developments.
Students will engage in additional learning opportunities such as group discussions and presentations. We will analyze a number of tourism-related case studies in addition to other service sectors.
This course aims to give students insights into the particular characteristics of marketing services such as tourism. After exploring current marketing theory on destination marketing, consumer value creation and the consumer experience, the course will apply these to the management and marketing of services.
From the consumer perspective, students will learn about consumer behavior, the impact of the service environment and forming relationships with service providers. From an organizational perspective, we will consider managing the service environment, innovation and developing service brands in order to facilitate consumer value creation and provide more memorable and rewarding experiences.
この授業を履修することで学部等のディプロマポリシーに示されたどの能力を習得することができるか(該当授業科目と学位授与方針に明示された学習成果との関連)Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?
Will be able to gain “DP 1”, “DP 2”, “DP 3”, and “DP 4”.
授業で使用する言語Default language used in class
英語 / English
授業の進め方と方法Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )
Lectures will take place in an interactive environment, with students contributing through group discussions and a presentation. In group projects, students will gain an in-depth understanding of a particular organization/destination and must then present the results of their analysis.
Assignments will be submitted via Hoppii; insightful answers will be shared in class to facilitate discussion.
アクティブラーニング(グループディスカッション、ディベート等)の実施Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)
あり / Yes
フィールドワーク(学外での実習等)の実施Fieldwork in class
なし / No
授業形態/methods of teaching:対面/face to face
1[オンライン/online]:Introduction to the Course Content and Class Format
Setting the context: introducing the characteristics of services and the challenges of service marketing
2[対面/face to face]:Consumer Value Creation
Considering the concept of value, and analyzing theories relating to the new marketing paradigm of value co-creation
3[対面/face to face]:The Experience Economy
Analyzing the implications for service providers as economies evolve beyond goods and services
4[対面/face to face]:Managing the Consumer Experience
Exploring different influences on the service experience, and the various stages of service delivery
5[対面/face to face]:Service Systems and the Servicescape
Exploring the design of the service environment and the impact on service consumption
6[対面/face to face]:Buyer Decision Making
Examining the influences on decision-making and how organizations can manage these
7[対面/face to face]:Innovation and New Service Development
Considering the challenges and opportunities for organizations in developing new services
8[対面/face to face]:Developing Service Brands
Investigating branding and differentiation
9[対面/face to face]:Service Quality
Examining consumer perceptions of quality and organizational strategy
10[対面/face to face]:Service Delivery
Examining the role of employees in facilitating consumer value creation, including intercultural sensitivity
11[対面/face to face]:Case Study
Exploring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on tourism and possible recovery paths
12[対面/face to face]:Group Presentations
Student group presentations
13[対面/face to face]:Marketing, Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Analyze organizational approaches towards sustainability and more responsible business approaches
14[対面/face to face]:Examination & Wrap-up
End of semester examination & course review
授業時間外の学習(準備学習・復習・宿題等)Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)
Students will be assigned both individual and group reading as preparation for classes. Students are expected to download and preview the lecture slides before each class. Preparatory study and review time for this class are 2 hours each.
There is no set textbook. Weekly handouts and reading materials will be distributed in class and/or available via the online class management page.
McCabe, S. (2014) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing. London: Routledge
Palmer, A. (2014) (7th Edition) Services Marketing. London: McGraw Hill
Pine, J. and Gilmore, J. (2011) (Updated Edition). The Experience Economy. Harvard: Harvard University Press
成績評価の方法と基準Grading criteria
Evaluation will be based on
1. Class participation & homework assignments (30%)
2. Group presentation and report (30% - individually assessed)
3. Exam (40%)
Students are expected to complete all the assigned reading and homework to enable them to get the most benefit from the lectures.
To improve students' group-working skills and encourage and reward cooperation and hard work, the group project is assessed on an individual basis.
学生の意見等からの気づきChanges following student comments
The Week 10 lecture on service delivery now includes staff intercultural sensitivity. The Week 11 case study on post-coronavirus tourism has been updated.
学生が準備すべき機器他Equipment student needs to prepare
Although not essential, students are strongly encouraged to have taken at least one other tourism-related courses, such as the 100-level 'Introduction to Tourism Studies', the 200-level 'Event Management' and 'Tourism Development in Japan' courses or the 300-level 'Cultural Tourism' course.
I can draw from my experience in organizing events and as marketing director of a tourism business in the UK to help provide students with examples and to illustrate issues.