ERPEnglish Reinforcement Program
LANe100LD(英語 / English language education 100)ERP CE3 (Ichigaya): Oral Presentation & Discussion :Advanced IIOral Presentation & Discussion :Advanced II
Joe Trujillo
授業コードなどClass code etc
学部・研究科Faculty/Graduate school | ERPEnglish Reinforcement Program |
添付ファイル名Attached documents | |
年度Year | 2022 |
授業コードClass code | A8059 |
旧授業コードPrevious Class code | |
旧科目名Previous Class title | |
開講時期Term | 秋学期授業/Fall |
曜日・時限Day/Period | 火4/Tue.4 |
科目種別Class Type | |
キャンパスCampus | 市ヶ谷 |
教室名称Classroom name | 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認 |
配当年次Grade | 1~4 |
単位数Credit(s) | 1 |
備考(履修条件等)Notes | |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目Class taught by instructors with practical experience | ○ |
アーバンデザインCPUrban Design CP | |
ダイバーシティCPDiversity CP | |
未来教室CPLearning for the Future CP | |
カーボンニュートラルCPCarbon Neutral CP | |
千代田コンソ単位互換提供(他大学向け)Chiyoda Campus Consortium | |
旧科目との重複履修Duplicate Subjects Taken Under Previous Class Title |
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授業の概要と目的(何を学ぶか)Outline and objectives
This course, the highest-level communication course in the ERP, aims to further develop students’ already significant speaking and listening skills, by expanding their active repertoire of English vocabulary and structures to allow complex communication on a range of engaging topics and situations. It uses the textbook’s wide range of topics and themes on society and culture as a springboard for planning, discussion, meeting simulation, presentation and debate activities, with a focus on encouraging active engagement, learner autonomy, and critical thinking. In class, students will receive verbal feedback individually from both their instructor and classmates to help them identify and improve their weak areas. For assigned tasks, students will receive verbal and/or written feedback from their instructor on general progress and points to improve.
By the end of this course, students will be better able to:
• make sophisticated academic presentations in English on academic and other topics, in pairs, groups and individually
• expand ability to listen to academic presentations and complex multi-party interactions
• engage proactively in and facilitate discussions on a relatively simple academic topics related to their fields of study
• manage common situations when communicating in English both in Japan and when travelling abroad
• communicate actively by employing strategies for explaining, reasoning, persuading, checking and confirming
• confidently express opinions supported by logical reasoning and convincing evidence, backed by data and evidence
• expand analysis and research skills by using data to support discussions and presentations in class
• work together with other students in collaborative projects
授業で使用する言語Default language used in class
英語 / English
授業の進め方と方法Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )
Check the schedule
アクティブラーニング(グループディスカッション、ディベート等)の実施Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)
あり / Yes
フィールドワーク(学外での実習等)の実施Fieldwork in class
なし / No
授業形態/methods of teaching:対面/face to face
1[オンライン/online]:Orientation & introductions
Course preview
Study planning
Write down three SMART learning goals for this course
2[対面/face to face]:CEFR self-evaluation (Initial)
Unit 7: Living space; parts a-b
Prepare a short speech on “Living space”
3[対面/face to face]:Unit 7: Living space; parts c-e
Unit 7 review
Prepare & practice Presentation 1
4[対面/face to face]:Presentation 1 – 10%
Unit 8: Travel; parts a-b
Prepare a short speech on “Travel”
5[対面/face to face]:Unit 8: Travel; parts c-e
Unit 8 review
6[対面/face to face]:Unit 9: Shopping; parts a-b
Prepare a short speech on “Shopping”
7[対面/face to face]:Unit 9: Shopping; parts c-e
Discussion 1 – 10%
Unit 9 review
Prepare and practice Presentation 2
8[対面/face to face]:Presentation 2 – 10%
Unit 10: No limits; parts a-b
Prepare a short speech on “No limits”
9[対面/face to face]:Unit 10: No limits; parts c-e
Discussion 2 -10%
Unit 10 review
10[対面/face to face]:Unit 11: Connections; parts a-b
Prepare a short speech on “Connections”
11[対面/face to face]:Unit 11: Connections; parts c-e
Discussion 3 -10%
Unit 11 review
Prepare and practice Presentation 3
12[対面/face to face]:Presentation 3 – 10%
Unit 12: Experts; parts a-b
Review / Prepare Presentation 3
13[対面/face to face]:Presentation 3 continued – 10%
Unit 12: Experts; parts c-e
CEFR self-evaluation (Final) / Student surveys
Prepare a short speech on “What I learned in this course”
14[対面/face to face]:Course review / Study planning
授業時間外の学習(準備学習・復習・宿題等)Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)
Students will be expected to spend 2 hours a week preparing short speeches on topics related to the textbook units, preparing and practicing evaluated presentations, and completing textbook unit review pages. They will also be asked to set goals and develop study plans as part of their self-study.
●Life 4 (2nd Ed.), Cengage Learning / National Geographic Learning (ISBN: 978-1-33-790565-7)
●Supplementary in-class handouts (free)
成績評価の方法と基準Grading criteria
Attendance: Five or more absences will result in a failing grade; 30 minutes late arrival or early leave equals absence
Participation: 40% (Involvement & Improvement, Homework Completion); Discussion 30% (Message, Language, Clarity, Contribution); Presentation 30% (Message, Structure, Delivery, Preparation/Effort)
学生の意見等からの気づきChanges following student comments
Joe Trujillo is from California, USA and majored in Creative Writing at the University of California. He has been teaching English in Japan for over 10 years in both university and corporate settings. Before teaching he gained experience working at Apple and as part of the Story Team for Final Fantasy XV. Joe creates an engaging lesson environment where he encourages students to communicate effectively. He sees every lesson as a chance for students to develop their own voice and to practice practical English they will use on a day-to-day basis.
English proficiency requirement:
TOEFL® iBT 61+, TOEFL® ITP 500+, TOEIC® 625+, IELTS 6.0+ or EIKEN® CSE2.0 2400+ or English Placement Test α 730+