• The syllabus and its contents may be updated or added. Please be sure to check the latest version when registering for courses, reviewing the syllabus, or attending classes.
• Please check your faculty's Course Handbook or the bulletin board to check which courses you can register on (please note that courses listed in the syllabus are not all necessarily ones that you can register for).
学部・研究科一覧Faculties/Graduate schools
学部・通信教育部Faculties/Correspondence education
- 法学部Faculty of Law
- 文学部Faculty of Letters
- 経済学部Faculty of Economics
└ IGESS (Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences) - 社会学部Faculty of Social Sciences
- 経営学部Faculty of Business Administration
└ GBP (Global Business Program) - 国際文化学部Faculty of Intercultural Communication
- 人間環境学部Faculty of Sustainability Studies
└ SCOPE (Sustainability Co-Creation Programme) - 現代福祉学部Faculty of Social Policy and Administration
- 情報科学部Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
- キャリアデザイン学部Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies
- デザイン工学部Faculty of Engineering and Design
- 理工学部Faculty of Science and Engineering
- 生命科学部Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry
- グローバル教養学部(GIS)Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS)
- スポーツ健康学部Faculty of Sports and Health Studies
- 通信教育部School of Correspondence Education
├ 通信学習Correspondence Learning
└ スクーリングSchooling
研究科Graduate schools
- 人文科学研究科Graduate School of Humanities
- 国際文化研究科Graduate School of Intercultural Communications
- 経済学研究科Graduate School of Economics
- 法学研究科Graduate School of Law
- 政治学研究科Graduate School of Politics
- 社会学研究科Graduate School of Sociology
- 経営学研究科Graduate School of Business Administration
- 人間社会研究科Graduate School of Social Well-being Studies
- 情報科学研究科Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences
- 政策創造研究科Graduate School of Regional Policy Design
- デザイン工学研究科Graduate School of Engineering and Design
- 公共政策研究科Graduate School of Public Policy and Social Governance
- キャリアデザイン学研究科Graduate School of Career Studies
- 理工学研究科Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 連帯社会インスティテュートInstitute for Solidarity-based Society
- 地域創造インスティテュートInstitute of Regional Development
- IIST (Institute of Integrated Science and Technology)
- スポーツ健康学研究科Graduate School of Sports and Health Studies
- 法務研究科Law School
- イノベーション・マネジメント研究科Business School of Innovation Management
└ GMBA (Global MBA Program)
- 全学共通教育プラットフォーム科目Integrated Education Platform
├ 社会連携教育科目群Social Collaborative Learning Courses
├ キャリア教育科目群Career Education Courses
└ データサイエンス科目群Data Science Courses - ILAC科目/市ヶ谷基礎科目・総合科目ILAC Course
- 理工・生命科学部教養科目KLAC Course
- 日本語教育センターCenter for Japanese Language Education (JLE)
- 他学部公開科目Open Courses
└ 他学部公開科目分野別一覧Open Courses (List by field) - グローバル・オープン科目Global Open Courses
- 成績優秀者の他学部科目履修制度対象科目Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
- 実務経験のある教員による授業科目Class taught by instructors with practical experience
- SSI (Sports Science Institute)
- 教職・資格(市ヶ谷)Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Ichigaya)
- 教職・資格(多摩)Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Tama)
- 教職・資格(小金井)Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Koganei)
- グローバル教育センターGlobal Education Center
├ 英語強化プログラム(ERP)English Reinforcement Program
├ 交換留学生受入れプログラム(ESOP)Exchange Students from Overseas Program
└ 現地研修プログラムIntensive Overseas Program - 研究科共通Common Graduate Courses
- サティフィケートプログラムCertificate Program
├ 【文理融合型】アーバンデザインUrban Design
├ ダイバーシティDiversity
├ 【学生発案型】未来教室Learning for the Future
└ カーボンニュートラルCarbon Neutral