学部・研究科一覧Faculties/Graduate schools
学部・通信教育部Faculties/Correspondence education
- 法学部Faculty of Law
- 文学部Faculty of Letters
- 経済学部Faculty of Economics
└ IGESS (Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences) - 社会学部Faculty of Social Sciences
- 経営学部Faculty of Business Administration
└ GBP (Global Business Program) - 国際文化学部Faculty of Intercultural Communication
- 人間環境学部Faculty of Sustainability Studies
└ SCOPE (Sustainability Co-Creation Programme) - 現代福祉学部Faculty of Social Policy and Administration
- 情報科学部Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
- キャリアデザイン学部Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies
- デザイン工学部Faculty of Engineering and Design
- 理工学部Faculty of Science and Engineering
- 生命科学部Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry
- グローバル教養学部(GIS)Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS)
- スポーツ健康学部Faculty of Sports and Health Studies
- 通信教育部School of Correspondence Education
├ 通信学習Correspondence Learning
└ スクーリングSchooling
研究科Graduate schools
- 人文科学研究科Graduate School of Humanities
- 国際文化研究科Graduate School of Intercultural Communications
- 経済学研究科Graduate School of Economics
- 法学研究科Graduate School of Law
- 政治学研究科Graduate School of Politics
- 社会学研究科Graduate School of Sociology
- 経営学研究科Graduate School of Business Administration
- 人間社会研究科Graduate School of Social Well-being Studies
- 情報科学研究科Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences
- 政策創造研究科Graduate School of Regional Policy Design
- デザイン工学研究科Graduate School of Engineering and Design
- 公共政策研究科Graduate School of Public Policy and Social Governance
- キャリアデザイン学研究科Graduate School of Career Studies
- 理工学研究科Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 連帯社会インスティテュートInstitute for Solidarity-based Society
- IIST (Institute of Integrated Science and Technology)
- スポーツ健康学研究科Graduate School of Sports and Health Studies
- 法務研究科Law School
- イノベーション・マネジメント研究科Business School of Innovation Management
└ GMBA (Global MBA Program)
- ILAC科目/市ヶ谷基礎科目・総合科目ILAC Course
- 理工・生命科学部教養科目KLAC Course
- 他学部公開科目Open Courses
└他学部公開科目分野別一覧Open Courses (List by field) - グローバル・オープン科目Global Open Courses
- 成績優秀者の他学部科目履修制度対象科目Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
- 実務経験のある教員による授業科目Class taught by instructors with practical experience
- SSI (Sports Science Institute)
- 教職・資格(市ヶ谷)Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Ichigaya)
- 教職・資格(多摩)Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Tama)
- 教職・資格(小金井)Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Koganei)
- データサイエンスセンターData Science Center
- グローバル教育センターGlobal Education Center
├英語強化プログラム(ERP)English Reinforcement Program
├交換留学生受入れプログラム(ESOP)Exchange Students from Overseas Program
├日本語教育プログラム(JLP)Japanese Language Program
└現地研修プログラムIntensive Overseas Program - 研究科共通Common Graduate Courses
- SDGs科目群SDGs related courses