ILAC Course

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LANe200LA(英語 / English language education 200)
English Presentation II

NADER Jamelea

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school ILAC Course
Attached documents
Year 2021
Class code R2442
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Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 水3/Wed.3
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name
Credit(s) 1
Notes 法文営国1~4年/レベル4※定員制
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Category (2018~) 2017年度以降入学者
200番台 外国語科目
Category (2017)

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Outline and objectives

This course will help students to improve their ability to make presentations in English. Students will increase their confidence in English communication through researching, talking, reading, writing and presenting about a variety of personal, academic, business and cultural topics. Students will choose their presentation topics according to their own interests. Students will focus in particular on developing and explaining their topics in a clear and engaging manner. Students will make three presentations of about 5-10 minutes.


You will become a better presenter. You will improve your abil- ity to communicate in front of a group, including topic selec- tion, generating ideas, organising , collecting supporting infor- mation, visual communication, consideration of your voice, and movement.

Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?


Default language used in class

英語 / English

Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )

This is an online class, and all weeks will be taught on Zoom and using Google Classroom. In this class, you will work in pairs, small groups and individ- ually. You will research and collect information for your topics outside of class. You will organize and arrange your ideas, and prepare visual materials (using PowerPoint or poster paper) to accompany your presentation. Preparation is vital to par- ticipate fully and get the most from class time. In class, you will explain your research and ideas. This will enable you to become familiar with your topic and less reliant on a script. Additionally, you will have chances to find the points of inter- est that need more development, and the places in your work that need further re-thinking and reorganisation. You will also practise a number of important academic skills through listen- ing and note-taking of your own and classmates’ topics. These include identifying the key points, re-organising ideas, sum- marising and reconstructing partner’s talks from your notes as well as giving critical feedback. You may be asked to prepare discussion questions related to your topic, and of course, must be ready to answer questions from the audience about your own work. Please come to class ready to participate actively and positively.You may sometimes record your presentation using easy editing software on your phone or PC to share with the class.

Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)

あり / Yes

Fieldwork in class

なし / No



1:Orientation and a review of the Spring Semester. First presentation: "Inspired by a movie"

A cultural or social theme picked from a movie For example. "The Lego Movie" - a comparison of the education systems of Denmark and Japan. The role of propaganda in Vietnam War movies "The Devil wears Prada" - Karoshi - is work /life balance really possible? Discussing ideas and topic selection.

2:Developing your work

Sharing research. Making outlines and considering some rhetorical techniquess such as the rule of 3 and rrepetition.

3:Developing your work

Sharing research. Using rhetorical techniques. Review of voice techniques.

4:Final practise

Making discussion questions. Practise and make changes after feedback from classmates and teacher.


Perform your presentation. Watch and review classmates. Self evaluation.

6:Second presentation: Something I've learned that you should know

What knowledge have you gained in your university life that you think other people would benefit from knowing? generating ideas

7:Developing your work

Considering different narratives styles. Sharing ideas.

8:Developing your work

Sharing your ideas and using props in a speech.

9:Final practise

Practise your speech using a prop.


Perform your presentation. Watch and review classmates. Self evaluation.

11:Third Presentation: A persuasive speech

A speech about something you feel strongly about. Make us believe how correct and important your opinion is.

12:Developing your work:

Adding passion and emotion to your words. Speaking with your whole body - examples and practise.

13:Final practise

Looking again at body language and voice.

14:Presentation &
Semester review

Perform your presentation. Watch and review classmates. Self evaluation.

Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)

Students will be expected to find their own research materi- als, write presentations and prepare visual materials including Keynote or PowerPoint slides. STudents will be asked to watch some speeches and share their impressions in class.
University guidelines suggest preparation and review are around 4 hours a week for a two-credit course and around an hour a week for a one-credit course


The above may change. Activities may change according to class size, students’ interests and abilities.There is no textbook.


Recommended places to watch presentation examples are; the peckakucha, TED and Jack Petchey Foundation websites.

Grading criteria

In-class performance* and participation 25%
Presentations 45%
Self evaluation 10%
Outside class preparation 20%

*Please remember university policy permits a maximum of 3 absences per semester.

Changes following student comments

Students requested more computer presentations.

Equipment student needs to prepare

Please check Hoppi for how to access the first class online. After that, we will use Google Classroom for all class information, assignments and so on. *Students who attend the Zoom session on campus will need a headset. You will need to use colour pens, large poster paper, slide mak- ing software such as PowerPoint or Keynote. You will need to access your smartphone, tablet, or PC to watch presentation ex- amples and do quick research in class. You will need an English dictionary.


Please come to class ready to participate actively and positively.