Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Tama)

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Foreign History I

Natsuko GODO

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Teacher-Training Courses and Qualification Courses (Tama)
Attached documents
Year 2022
Class code K5277
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Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 金1/Fri.1
Class Type
Campus 多摩
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Grade 1~4
Credit(s) 2
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Category 教職関係科目

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Outline (in English)

【Course outline)】
The purpose of this class is to think and learn together with the students about (1) the significance, (2) the methods, (3) the fun of studying world history.

【Learning Objectives】
The course aims to enable students to:
(1) how to draw out students' interest in history,
(2) how to use historical documents in history education,
(3) how to understand the major trends in world history.
【Learning activities outside of classroom】
240 minutes per week.
【Grading Criteria /Policy】
(1) Class work (including response sheets): 50% (2) Film comments: 20% (3) Small reports from the textbook: 30%.
No final exam or report will be given.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese

'25-03-07 11:29:54