IGESSIGESS (Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences)
BSC100CA(基礎化学 / Basic chemistry 100)Basic Science for Global Environment BBasic Science for Global Environment B
山﨑 友紀Yuki YAMASAKI
授業コードなどClass code etc
学部・研究科Faculty/Graduate school | IGESSIGESS (Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences) |
添付ファイル名Attached documents | |
年度Year | 2021 |
授業コードClass code | K5366 |
旧授業コードPrevious Class code | |
旧科目名Previous Class title | |
開講時期Term | 秋学期授業/Fall |
曜日・時限Day/Period | 火4/Tue.4 |
科目種別Class Type | |
キャンパスCampus | 多摩 |
教室名称Classroom name | |
配当年次Grade | 1~4 |
単位数Credit(s) | 2 |
備考(履修条件等)Notes | |
他学部公開科目Open Courses | |
他学部公開(履修条件等)Open Courses (Notes) | |
グローバル・オープン科目Global Open Courses | |
成績優秀者の他学部科目履修制度対象Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers | |
成績優秀者の他学部科目履修(履修条件等)Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes) | |
実務経験のある教員による授業科目Class taught by instructors with practical experience | ○ |
アーバンデザインCPUrban Design CP | |
ダイバーシティCPDiversity CP | |
未来教室CPLearning for the Future CP | |
カーボンニュートラルCPCarbon Neutral CP | |
千代田コンソ単位互換提供(他大学向け)Chiyoda Campus Consortium | |
カテゴリーCategory |
General Education Courses/総合教育科目 Tama Campus General Education Courses/多摩総合教育科目 |
科目主催学部Faculty Sponsored Department | Economics |
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授業の概要と目的(何を学ぶか)Outline and objectives
This class provides a comprehensive overview of environmental science.
Throughout the course, we will examine environmental issues and investigate realistic solutions. By the end of this course,
you will have a greater understanding of the relationships between the environmental factors that affect our world.
When you have finished this course, you will be able to explain the basic science such as chemistry, biology, physics and geology behind environmental issues. You will be able to evaluate information, analyze scientific data/reasons logically. Also you can consider multiple viewpoints on environmental issues.
授業で使用する言語Default language used in class
英語 / English
授業の進め方と方法Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )
Lecture and discussion;
The class will use PowerPoint files and video to introduce environmental topics. The instructor will give some feedback on assignments during the class or office hours.
アクティブラーニング(グループディスカッション、ディベート等)の実施Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)
あり / Yes
フィールドワーク(学外での実習等)の実施Fieldwork in class
なし / No
WEEK 1:The Urban Environment and Urban Sustainability; Ch.13
Impacts of Urbanizaion, Smart growth and New Urbanism
WEEK 2:Environmental Health and Toxicology; Ch.14
Health Hazard, Effects of Toxic chemicals on Organisms, Risk Assessment/Management
WEEK 3 :Fresh Water Systems and Resources; Ch.15
Global Aquatic system, Water Pollution, Waste Water Treatment
WEEK 4:Marine and Coastal Systems and Resources; Ch.16
Marine Pollution, Marine Biodiversity, Marine Conservation
WEEK 5:The Atmosphere, Air Quality, and Pollution Control; Ch. 17
Large-scale Wind Circulation System, Ozone Depletion, Air Pollution, Acid Rain
WEEK 6:Global Climate Change; Ch.18
Global Warming, Climate Change and Economics, Kyoto Protocol vs. Paris Accord
WEEK 7:Midterm Adjustment, Review
Essay/Report, Q&A
WEEK 8:Fossil Fuels, Their Impacts; Ch.19
Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency, Economic Impacts of Fossil Fuel
WEEK 9:Conventional Energy Alternatives; Ch.20
Nuclear Energy Use, Environmental Impacts of Energy Use, Bioenergy, Hydroelectric Power
WEEK 10:New Renewable Energy Alternatives; Ch.21
Wind Power, Geothermal, Solar, Hydrogen
WEEK 11:Managing Our Waste; Ch.22
Waste Stream, Municipal Solid Waste, Recycling, Managing Hazardous Waste
WEEK 12:Minerals and Mining; Ch.23
Earth's Mineral Resources, Mining Methods and Their Impacts
WEEK 13:Sustainable Solutions; Ch.24
Environmental Protection Can Enhance Economic Opportunity.
WEEK 14:Total Review
Presentation and Q&A
授業時間外の学習(準備学習・復習・宿題等)Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)
The standard preparation and review time for this class is TWO HOURS each.
Withgott and Laposata 2015. Environment:The Science behind the Stories, Global Edition, Pearson; 5th ed.
More inexpensive alternatives, such as used books, or eBook are encouraged. However, DO NOT use other edition because page numbers and content are different.
1)Berg Raven, Hassenzahl 2012. Environment 9th, ed. John Wiley & Sons
2)『地球環境学入門 第2版』山﨑友紀(講談社サイエンティフィク)
3)David Turner, The Green Marble 2018. Earth System Science and Global Sustainability, ed. Columbia University Press
4)Jay H. Withgott, Matthew Laposata 2018. Essential Environment, ed. Pearson; 6 edition
成績評価の方法と基準Grading criteria
Participation(20%), Contribution to Class Discussion/Class Quizzes(30%),
学生の意見等からの気づきChanges following student comments
Prepare the answers and your opinion for "Before Class Quizzes". You can't complete them without the textbook.
To successfully complete this course, you must do the following:
•Attendance and Punctuality are basic requirements
•Read the textbook and view before the class
•Finish weekly quizzes
•Complete and submit the class project and assignments
Instructor's Office Hours are by appointment.
Write to yyuki@hosei.ac.jp to schedule an appointment.