Graduate School of Public Policy and Social Governance

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SOM500P2-023(社会医学 / Society medicine 500)
Studies on Public Health Management D


Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Graduate School of Public Policy and Social Governance
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Year 2022
Class code X9816
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Term 春学期前半/Spring(1st half)
Day/Period 月6/Mon.6,月7/Mon.7
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Credit(s) 2
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Category サステイナビリティ学専攻

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Outline (in English)

【Course outline】Public health, unlike clinical medicine aimed at treating diseases, is science and technology aiming at the prevention of diseases and promoting health. It aims to protect people from diseases and to live social life in a physical and mental healthy state. This is the most fundamental and important sustainability that mankind desires. In modern society, all kinds of health problems are piled up. In order to live healthy, it is necessary for us to have appropriate knowledge about these health problems, and to select information.
【Learning Objectives】In this lecture, students learn about healthy lifestyle and know-how for disease prevention, and wear broad knowledge from the viewpoint of public health for the purpose of prolonging healthy life span.
【Learning activities outside of classroom】Review after the lecture. Students are expected to read newspapers with an awareness of related topics. The standard preparation and review time for this class is 2 hours each.
【Grading Criteria】Based on attendance, discussion during the lecture, presentation and report at the final session.
Attendance points: 50%.
Presentation: 30%.
Reports: 20%.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese