Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies

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MAN200MA(経営学 / Management 200)
Strategic Management Ⅱ


Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies
Attached documents
Year 2022
Class code C7267
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Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 火4/Tue.4
Class Type
Campus 市ヶ谷
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Grade 2~4
Credit(s) 2
Open Courses
Open Courses (Notes)
Global Open Courses
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
Category (2019) 展開科目
Category (2017)

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Outline (in English)

Couse outline
This course covers basic constructs and theories of strategic decision making and strategy implementation. It also covers the impact of artificial intelligence on strategic decision making and strategy implementation.

Learning objectives
Can explain basic constructs and theories of strategic decision making, leadership, recruiting, and algorithmic management.

Learning activities outside of classroom
Summarize the key issues in the lectures
Analyze real business cases using the perspectives explained in the

Grading Criteria
Final exam: 100%

Assess whether learners can explain the basic constructs and theories of strategy formation, strategy implementation, and algorithmic management.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese