Faculty of Economics

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LANe100CA(英語 / English language education 100)
English Communication IA

Jay Matsuo TANAKA

Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Faculty of Economics
Attached documents
Year 2022
Class code K5587
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Term 春学期授業/Spring
Day/Period 水2/Wed.2
Class Type
Campus 多摩
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Grade 1
Credit(s) 2
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
カテゴリー(2016年度以降入学生) 総合教育科目

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Outline and objectives

This course mainly focuses on listening and speaking within several different topics. However, there will be some short reading and writing exercises as well.


Students will improve their ability to listen and speak in English more fluently. In addition, students will learn new vocabulary and deepen their knowledge of known vocabulary.

Which item of the diploma policy will be obtained by taking this class?


Default language used in class

英語 / English

Method(s)(学期の途中で変更になる場合には、別途提示します。 /If the Method(s) is changed, we will announce the details of any changes. )

We will work with a textbook and class activities will include speaking and listening, and vocabulary development. Students will submit homework exercises and assignments on Google Classroom. Homework will mainly focus on listening skills. Feedback will be given to students in class and via Google Classroom.

Active learning in class (Group discussion, Debate.etc.)

あり / Yes

Fieldwork in class

なし / No


授業形態/methods of teaching:対面/face to face


week 1[対面/face to face]:Course Outline and Introductions
Intro Unit: Learning to Listen

Types of Listening Tasks

week 2[対面/face to face]:Unit 1: Living in the City

Renting an Apartment
Advantages and Disadvantages
Similar Sentences

week 3[対面/face to face]:Unit 2: Bargaining

Understanding Sales Pitches
Consumer Goods
Sentence Stress

week 4[対面/face to face]:Bargaining Discussions

Fluency Speaking Activities

week 5[対面/face to face]:Unit 3: Different Jobs

Inquiring at Job Fairs
Types of Jobs
Question Stress

week 6[対面/face to face]:Unit 4: Asian Food

Ordering Food
Restaurant Descriptions
Gerunds and Nouns

week 7[対面/face to face]:Asian Food Discussions

Fluency Speaking Activities

week 8[対面/face to face]:Unit 5: At the Airport

Making Vacation Plans
Personal Information
Polite Requests

week 9[対面/face to face]:Unit 6: Geography

Promoting a Tour
Geographical Information
Syllable Stress

week 10[対面/face to face]:Geography Discussions

Fluency Speaking Activities

week 11[対面/face to face]:Unit 7: Tours

Taking a City Tour
Descriptions of Places
Tag Question

week 12[対面/face to face]:Unit 8: Stress and Relaxation

Doing a Stress Interview
Methods of Relaxation
Question Intonation

week 13[対面/face to face]:Stress and Relaxation Discussions

Fluency Speaking Activities

week 14[対面/face to face]:Review of Units 1-8

Wrap-up Tasks
Final Exam

Work to be done outside of class (preparation, etc.)

Textbook homework including listening and vocabulary assignments. Review and
preparation (total of 4 hours per week).


Nunan, D., Adams, B., Listen In Book 2 Updated Edition - Student Book, Cengage Learning, ISBN:‎ 978-9814272629



Grading criteria

Class participation 20%, Homework 40%, Speaking Tests 20%, Final Exam 20%

Changes following student comments

Not Applicable

Equipment student needs to prepare

If possible, please bring a smartphone to class. Basic applications (timer, etc.) will be used in class.


Attendance and participation are very important in this class. Students should be motivated to speak a lot to improve their fluency and general communication skill.