Faculty of Economics

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POL100CA(政治学 / Politics 100)
Political Science B


Class code etc
Faculty/Graduate school Faculty of Economics
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Year 2022
Class code K5252
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Term 秋学期授業/Fall
Day/Period 木1/Thu.1
Class Type
Campus 多摩
Classroom name 各学部・研究科等の時間割等で確認
Grade 1
Credit(s) 2
Open Program
Open Program (Notes)
Global Open Program
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers
Interdepartmental class taking system for Academic Achievers (Notes)
Class taught by instructors with practical experience
Urban Design CP
Diversity CP
Learning for the Future CP
Carbon Neutral CP
Chiyoda Campus Consortium
カテゴリー(2015年度以前入学生) 総合教育科目
カテゴリー(2016年度以降入学生) 総合教育科目

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Outline (in English)

This course introduces key concepts of political science with particular attention to domestic politics and international politics. The first half of this course covers the topics: media, local government, and civil society. The second half covers the basic concepts of international politics such as sovereignty, anarchy, traditional theories of international relations (realism, liberalism, and constructivism), war and peace, and development. Rather than detailing political life, this course intends to provide students with some theoretical tools that clarify causal relations and mechanisms on political phenomena. These objectives help students to both interpret current political events and evaluate the proper nature of domestic and international politics.

Default language used in class

日本語 / Japanese